•Chapter Thirty•

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Now that Uriah had done his part, it was time for Phase Two to commence. I walked back into the room which still had my mother in and sat down on a red chair near her.

"Mother?" I ask in a small voice as she runs around franticly, sorting it the last details of the wedding.

"What is it?" She says, pausing from talking to the people on flower arrangements. She looks so stressed and has worked so hard on this wedding... and I was going to ruin everything.

"Can I go powder my nose?" She seems shocked in my sudden interest on looking good for my wedding but let me go nonetheless, before turning back to talk endlessly about Carnations and whatnot.

I stand up and walk out but as soon as I am out of her sight I run (as fast as you can go in heels) to the powder room on the ground floor. As soon as I get there I lock the door behind me and scramble at the horrible high bun in my hair and let it flow down to my shoulders. I slip my heels off and grab the flats I had hid yesterday in the cupboard and putting the heels in their place.

I looked up at the small window above the toilet and then back down to my dress. This was something I didn't anticipate. I am a small person so I can defiantly fit through the window but now? I'm not so sure.

This dress makes me three times the size I am with its infinite ruffles and puffiness. After closing the toilet seat lid, I hoisted one foot up to stand up so I was peaking out.

"Uriah?!" I hissed, seeing him in his jet black wedding suit leaning against the walls. His head whipped up when he heard my plea. "I can't do this!"

His face contorts with worry. "Why not? What do you mean?"

"My dress." I explain, and his face relaxes a bit. He probably thought I was cowering out. "It's too puffy, I don't think I can fit."

"Well, you have to try!" He says, before reaching into his pockets. "I didn't steal these keys for nothing!"

"You got them!" I exclaim, looking at the shining silver in his fingertips, smiling. This plan could actually work.

"Duh! Didn't Caleb tell you the meatball was in the sauce?" He says rolling his eyes. I laugh and take one more look at my dress before braving it and bringing a leg up. Once I get my balance I turn my body and lift my other leg over the window ledge.

Suddenly a big gust of wind flies through the air and puffs my dress up all around me. I lift a hand moving all the never ending ruffles out my face. I hate this dress.

"Nice granny knickers." I hear Uriah snigger from behind me. My dress must've flapped  so he could see the gigantic underwear I was forced to wear.

"Oh shut up." I snap before jumping down from the window, landing just next to him. "Come on, we are wasting precious time."

He follows me on our way to the gates, narrowly escaping being caught by some guards and having to squish into small nook and crannies to avoid being found.

"So where is Marlene? Still at your Castle?" I ask, making conversation. He's going up have to go along way to get to another kingdom.

"She's in our kingdom but she lost her job when we were found together. I feel so bad. She didn't want to have a relationship knowing it would back fire but I convinced her and look where that ended up. She comes from a poor family too, and her job at the castle was probably her only way to get money." He sighs, raking a hand though his Afro hair. "I miss her so much."

"I know how you feel." I mumble, looking longingly at the apple trees in the distance that stand in the orchard.

"You miss your scary boyfriend?" Uriah teases me and nudges me gently in the ribs as I blush like a tomato. Tobias and I never talked about our status but I'd like to think we were boyfriend and girlfriend. The thought makes me giddy with excitement. "You know-" I put my hand up sharply to silence him as something unexpected enters my line of sight.

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