•Chapter Sixteen•

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I don't know how long we just stand there looking at each other, not believing what we are seeing.

I knew he was fired but it never crossed my mind he was back in Dauntless. Why am I so stupid?

"You really do love daisies, huh?" He breaks the silence smirking and I can't help but leap into his arms. I've missed him so much. He tenses up at first then relaxes after a couple of seconds just as he always had when I had hugged him before.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," I mumble over and over again in his chiselled chest.

"Tris! Shut up! Stop saying sorry!" He shouts pulling apart. He puts his hands on my shoulders and bends down to my level.

"Sorry." I mumble and he laughs.

I've missed this. I've missed us.

Suddenly his expression changes to a serious one. "I- "

"Hey! Tris! Where are you?" A worried voice calls out. Will and Christina. They emerge from round the corner and relieved expression frame their faces when they see me.

"Who's this- Wait...Four?" Christina says as Tobias turns around mid sentence.

I furrow my eyebrows. Who is Four? I open my mouth to ask but Tobias beats me to it.

"Yes?" He says. He looks straight at Christina but his eyes flutter towards mine as if he's warning me to keep quiet.

"How do you know Tris?" She asks and looks at me questionably. I see Tobias mouth twitch as he hears his nickname for me.

"It's a long story." He shrugs then looks at me. "How do you know them?"

"They are my friends. They're who I've been staying with." I explain. Realization settles on his face.

"What are you doing here then?" He motions to the busy shoppers surrounding us.

"They were taking me back to the castle actually." I look down. I was having a good time and now I remembered reality.

"Well, if Christina and Will don't mind," He says. "I would be a pleasure for me to escort Tris back to my castle for you."

A smile sets on my face in excitement.

"One second Four," Christina says. "We just need a moment with our friend."

Tobias shrugs and Christina grabs my arm and pulls me aside. Will follows.

"Do you really know him?" She jerks her head towards Tobias who is leaned against one to the stalls.

"Yes. I promise." I reassure.

"But when we were talking about him the other day, you didn't know who we were talking about. I don't think there are many dudes around with a stupid name like Four." Will says suspiciously narrowing his eyes.

"That's because I know him by a different name." I mumble. His real name I'm guessing.

They exchange a glance then look at me. Then  to Tobias. Then back to me again.

"Okay, he can take you back to the castle." Christian sighs in defeat.

"But Chris, -" Will tries to interject.

"No. I trust Tris. And if she says he knows him then she knows him." I smile at her trust. Her friendship is valuable, I can't just never see her again. I make a mental note to make sure I see them again.

"I guess." Will gruffs. "Just promise you wont fall for him? I freaking hate that guy's charm that makes girls fall at his feet."

"I promise." I agree laughing at Will's jealousy. 

I give them both a hug and say another goodbye like at their apartment but shorter and walked over to Tobias. My daisies clutched in my hands.

"Hey. I'm allowed!" I squeal.

"They aren't your parents Tris. They can't tell you what you can and can't do."

"I know. I just don't want our last moments together to be a fight. Leave on good terms you know?" I say.

"Fair enough." He shrugs and starts walking his long strides.

We walk in silence for a bit before I can't keep in my questions.

"So, what happened..?" I blurt, not quite sure how to word it.

He sighs deeply and scratches the back off his neck. "Well... after you ran off, the guys tried to run after you. But I didn't let that happen and I knocked them unconscious. I didn't know where you had ran so I went inside and to order some guards to take the attackers to the dungeons. Then I went to find your parents. Caleb was there, unfortunately. And before I could explain he called me irresponsible and a few other insults I'd rather not repeat."

He looks at me unsure to carry on. I nod my head encouraging him.

"I then...kinda...punched him..." He says and I gasp. He looks at me guiltily before carrying on. "The King and Queen came. They demanded answers so I gave them and they fired me straight away. I was kinda expecting it anyway."

"I'm sorry Tobias." I mumble. Guilt cursing my heart again.

"It isn't your fault. It was only a matter of time before I would lose my temper on someone." He shrugs.

"Anyway, I packed my bags and came back to Dauntless. And here I am." He finishes then turns to me. "So, what's your story?"

I puff my cheeks out emptying air out of my lungs before beginning.

"I was running, obviously, and I got to the gates and I didn't know what to do. Before I knew it a creepy man was behind me and I ran for it. I didn't realise where I was going as I had never left castle grounds before. Soon enough I was running through what I later found out what the forbidden quarters of Dauntless."

I see Tobias tense before I continue.

"Will shouted for me and grabbed me into an alley way hiding me from the leaders. I actually thought he would kill me at first." I laugh at the thought. At that moment I was terrified but now I know him, I know he wouldn't hurt a fly. " Long story short, he thought I was a wreck, which I was, and brought me back to his apartment where I met Christina. They gave me some food but while we were watching TV I saw a news report on me."

"I saw that too." he interjects but I don't mind.

"Once they saw my picture they knew who I was so I told them anyway. I've been staying there for the past three days and become really good friends with them." I finish.

"I knew you had it in you, you know to protect yourself, so I just told you to run, knowing you'd find your way."

A grin sets on my face form his kind words but then a frown as I notice our surroundigs.

I was so deep into conversation, I didn't notice that the market was gone and we were back in Dauntless.

"Tobias, this isn't the castle..." I say slowly as we walk up black building.

"I know." He responds calmly as he pulls out some keys form his pocket.

"Then where are we going?" I ask confused as he puts the key in the lock.

"My apartment."


Hi everyone! Chapter Sixteen is done! Time is flying by!

I'm so happy right now. You all are the best! We got to 5.3k views and more than 400 votes! ^-^

I might update at the weekend but it depends as to how much time I have.

I love you all! Leave a comment! <4

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