•Chapter Thirty-Four•

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My throat is dry from screaming and my eyes are crusty and tired. It's been twenty-four hours and once again, I am back in the castle.

But no matter how much I cry, yell or beg, no one will answer my call. No one, not even the servants, will speak a word to me. I disappointed everyone. Mother, Father, Caleb, the kingdom, and most importantly...myself.

It's all my fault.

It's my fault everyone is shunning me away.

It's my fault that I'm stuck in here.

It's my fault that I'm miserable right now.

And it's my fault that the man I love is going to have to give his life up because of my stupid mistakes.

Because no matter how bad I think I have it, Tobias has it ten times worse. He's in the dark dungeons awaiting his death. He probably hates me right now. And that's the thought that makes me more miserable than ever before.

I thought I was strong and brave. I scoff. What was I thinking? All I am is a weak, lovesick, princess who has ruined an innocent life. Tobias.

Just his name sends me into hysterics. I was alright before because I knew that even though I wasn't seeing him, I knew he was safe. Now, he's not.

I should've broke up with him when Robert said. Then he would be safe and sound. But I was selfish and I didn't want to give him up. I didn't want to give up my happiness. But it's too late now.

So now I lay back on my wooden floor of my bedroom remembering how this all began. I used to spend days staring at the simple swirls and patterns on the ceiling, and now I would do anything to have that simple life back.

But would I give up meeting Tobias? No way. He is the best thing to have ever happened to me and I will hold onto hope that we will find a way to be together.

But would I give up meeting Tobias...if it meant he would live?

In a heartbeat.


There's a small knock at the door, but I make no move to see who entered. I stay curled up in the middle of the floor, not taking my eyes of the patterns, they seem to keep my mind of everything some how.

"Beatrice?" I hear Roberts voice. I roll my eyes and move onto my back. He is literally the last person I want to see right now.

"What?" I snap, sitting up to look at him. "Come to gloat? Say 'I told you so'?"

Ignoring me, he coughs nervously and comes in and closes the door behind him.

"Oh, come right in." I mutter under my breath sarcastically.

When he sighs I know he heard me but I couldn't care less about his feelings right now. "I haven't come to gloat, Beatrice."

"Then why are you here? You know I'm supposed to be on lock down." I say rudely and I almost feel guilty until I remember all he's done.

"I know." He sighs and closes his eyes. When he opens them, a new found determination is in them. "I'm here to...apologise."

I almost laugh I his face. Instead I just scoff. He thinks an apology is gonna fix this?

"Honestly, Beatrice." He says and I can hear the pain in his voice. "I-I feel really bad and I feel like-like this is all my fault."

I want to scream at him and tell him it is all his fault. He was the person who saw us together. If he would've just kept his But I know it's not true. Yes, Robert did have at fault but so did I.

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