•Chapter Thirty-Three•

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I wake up confused, and then remember where I am. I rub my eyes with a fist and turn over to see an empty bed. I furrow my eyebrows, sit up, and raise my hand to place it where Tobias had been. It's still warm. He hasn't been gone long.

"Oh, you're awake." A voice says and I jump to see Tobias at the door with a tray in his hands. "Sorry I made you jump."

I smile at his ruffled, bed hair. "No, it's okay."

"I made us breakfast in bed." He says and places the tray on his bedside table before climbing back in beside me. "I hope you like pancakes."

I grin as he pulls the tray between us and I see the pancakes steaming, making my mouth water. "I love them." I grab one and put it on a plate before grabbing the syrup and drowning my pancake in it.

He laughs at my sweet tooth and grabs lemon juice and sugar for himself.

I almost moan at the taste. "This is amazing!" I exclaim. "Who would've known you could cook?"

"Hey! I live alone, and a guy's gotta eat!" He smacks me gently on the arm, making me giggle while he grabs the coffee pot from the tray. "Coffee?"

"No thanks." I wrinkle my nose while he pours himself a glass. I hate the bitter taste of coffee.

"Remember when you made me breakfast." He teases, taking a bite of his own pancake. This time it's my turn to smack him playfully.

"I was trying to make you like me." I mumble, suddenly embarrassed. "I thought, you thought I was this annoying, spoilt, little girl."

"I did." I smack him harder. "Hey! Stop! I was just telling the truth!" I narrow my eyes. "But from that day forward, I started looking at you differently."

"You know how much of a bad cook I am?" I ask him, remembering how many times I spilt everything and Roberts distressed looks. "I couldn't even make toast!"

He laughs at me. "I could tell by the state of your dress when you delivered it!"

We continue to laugh and joke as we finish our breakfast until our plates are scraped clean. Suddenly Tobias turns all serious as he takes the tray away from between us and turns to face me.

"Listen, Tris," He starts, taking both his hands in mine. I frown. Why are we so serious all of a sudden? "You know they are going to know you're here. They know that you will run to dauntless so it's already a matter of time before they find you."

I sigh, looking down. I knew this from the beginning. If I were to run to anyone, they would know that Tobias is the first person I would run to.

"So," He says, grabbing my chin and pulling it up to meet his gaze and I see him grinning down at me. "I think we should run away."

"What?" I almost whisper. Could we actually get away and live together, in peace?

"We should pack a bag and go. Somewhere they can't find us!" His smile and excitement are so contagious I can't help but return it. "Just me and you!"

"I'd like that." I reply and lean in to kiss him. His hand moves to the back of my head, pulling me closer, if that's possible, and mine move to his waist. I love him so much, words can't explain.


"Tris, I literally have no food." He explains, coming out of the kitchen with a distressed face. "Can you take these," He hands me two large rucksacks. "and fill them with all my clothes? I need to go to the shops."

"Sure." I say grabbing the bags.

He grabs my hand before I can go into his bedroom and pulls me back around. "You'll be okay, right? By yourself?"

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