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A year and a half. That's how long it's been since Tobias sunk to one knee and asked me to marry him and I said yes.

A lot can happen in a year and a half. It made me realise why my parents spent so much time stuck in that damned meeting room. Being the Queen in hard! There's more duties than I ever imagined and so much paper work that drowns me.

Nevertheless, from experiences in the past, I promised myself that I would never put work over the important things. Not that my royal responsibility isn't important, but sometimes spending time with my fiancé means more to me than business.

Fiancé. I have got so used that word over the last year and half but in just a few short hours I will be calling Tobias my...Husband.

Marriage is scary, that's for sure. Tying yourself to that person for life and promising to love them forever. But this past year and a half has definitely confirmed my decision. Tobias and I may have our fights and there's times where I get frustrated with him, as I'm sure he does with me too, but there's never a time that I could walk out on him, or break up.

Our love is too strong to give up on something small. I can't imagine a future without Tobias in it and that's what makes me so sure that we made the right decision get married.

People will judge us for getting married so young. I mean, we waited a year and a half so I would turn nineteen, making Tobias twenty one. People wont believe our love is strong and think we don't know what love is. They'll think we're rushing into things and still 'only kids'.

But to that I say: They don't know our story. They don't know how we feel so who are they to tell us what we should and shouldn't do.

"Hey, Tris?" Christina shouts and I look up at her. "You okay? You spaced out a bit. Not having second thought are you?"

I smile, shaking my head. "Of course not. Just...thinking about everything that's happened over the last two years."

Christina hums, obviously reminiscing herself about the past years too, before shaking her head slightly to clear her thoughts and looking back at me. "Anyways, get your ass over here so I can do your hair! We only have..." She glances at her watch. "Two and a half hours until your freaking wedding!"

I sigh. It doesn't take that long to get ready but obviously Christina disagrees. I plod over and sit myself down in a chair that's situated in front of a mirror. Christina starts to run a comb through my hair.

"I still can't get over that your Tobias was the same guy as our Four." Christina mutters, rolling her eyes mockingly.

That's another thing that happened last year. After lots of persuasion from me, Tobias decided to let everyone know of his real name again, after all, he had nothing to hide now that everyone knows he didn't kill his father. He was reluctant at first, telling me that people will still judge him for hurting him. But I told him, people will judge Marcus more for what he did to him as a child.

Still, Tobias had trouble revealing himself so it started with only close friends: Shauna, Uriah and even Christina and Will. Soon, after seeing they didn't mind one bit, he showed his real self to everyone he met and I couldn't be more proud of him.

"I didn't even know he had another identity Christina!" I explain for the millionth time.

"I know, I know. It's just so strange to think that the tough Four I saw in training will be your freaking husband." She laughs and before she can finish that thought a knock sound through the door.

"Hope you're decent, girls." I hear Will's voice and turn my head to look only for Christina to shift it back so I was looking into the mirror.

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