•Chapter Twenty-One•

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My palms begin to sweat in anxiety as I walk down the grand staircase. It's a few minutes to three so the news people should be here any moment. I momentarily wonder if Tobias will be watching but stop myself. Why can't I get him out my mind?

I don't know what's wrong with me- I've never felt like this with anyone else. I don't feel like this with Christina or Will. My other friends. What is so special about Tobias?

But deep down I know the answer. Everything he does fascinates me. He's kind and caring to me yet to everyone else he has this... rough exterior. He snaps at me and we argue but I wouldn't change that because he treats me like I'm any other person.

I couldn't...like him? Could I? The thought strikes fear inside me. I know that would never work. It could ruin friendship for a first and it's unheard of for a princess to marry below her class.

I roll my eyes at the idea. If two people love each other- who cares about stupid class?

That thought plants another type of fear in my mind. I bet anything Tobias doesn't feel like this. What ever this is. I'm a princess, he was my bodyguard. He's my friend, nothing more. And he would never go for some princess who isn't even pretty.

That right. I can't let these feelings get the best of me. It's just a faze. It'll pass and me and Tobias will continue our tight friendship.

"Oh, Beatrice! There you are!" A sickly-sweet voice snarls. Suddenly I realise I am stood still at the bottom of the stairs. I snap out my thoughts and see Peter smirking at me. "Come along!" He says grinning.

I walk towards him and he places a hand on my lower back. With anyone else I would feel soothed or relaxed by the gesture but with Peter it just makes me sick and uncomfortable.

I walk faster into the ballroom and his hand drops thankfully. There's camera equipment everywhere and lots of men and women working complicated electronics.  I see Mother, Father and Caleb talking to a tall man with dark hair. He's wearing black and white so I guess he is Candor. Mother smiles when she sees me and I smile back.

"Ah! Beatrice." Father says as he sees me approach. "This is Jack Kang," He introduces me to the tall man. He smiles friendly at me but doesn't hold his hand out for me to shake-I guess that's only a thing they do in Dauntless- Instead he nods his head.  "He'll be interviewing you."

"Okay." I answer. I wipe my hands on my dress, trying to get rid of the nervous sweat.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your majesty." Jack in a very deep voice, bowing to show his respect. "We go live in five minutes so I'll just go over everything with you, okay?"

He doesn't give me chance to answer before he continues.

"Basically I will speak to your parents and brother first, then your bodyguard, then you. I'll ask you questions about your disappearance and you will answer-simple?"

"Yes." I chirp.

"Good good. Be yourself and don't worry." He says and takes a mirror and fixes his hair. I almost roll my eyes at his vanity.

"Two minute warning!" A woman shouts and Jack smiles and shut's his mirror close with a snap.

"Good luck, you'll be a natural." He reassures then walks to the camera. I walk to Mother, Father and Caleb who are at the side watching and stand with them. Jack talks with some people before walking in front of the camera.

"Five!" Someone calls out the countdown.


Jack fixes his tie, holds his microphone to his mouth and looks up to the camera smiling.

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