•Chapter Forty•

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"Now that that silly business is over and done with," Jeanine sniggers snottily. How could she think my parents deaths are silly? I'm so angry but I'm so emotional exhausted I can't do anything about it. "We can get down to the more...important stuff."

I turn my head slightly so I can see Tobias. He is still under Eric, his hands pined above him and a gun pressed to his skull. The sight made me want to weep. I have been so close to loosing him on so many occasions that it seems unfair that we got this far, just for it all to crash down on us.

Our eyes meet and my heart races, just like it does whenever I see his eyes, just like they've done since I met him.

He sends me a tight smile as if to give me motivation . But I know it's just false hope, as nothing can make me feel better until all these people are behind bars however it doesn't look like that will happen anytime soon.

The thought makes my stomach churn. Soon we might be living in a kingdom, ruled by Jeanine.

"You." Jeanine points and a young servant girl-maybe seven years old. I'm not particularly familiar with her but I've seen her around, working with her grandma whose one of the head cooks. The girl's small figure quakes with terror as she steps forward. "Go fetch me...Your finest champagne. I think this causes for celebration."

The girl bows and hurries off, her small dress fluttering behind her, as she runs into the castle.

Suddenly, a little movement to my right catches my attention. I focus on the green shrub and my eyes narrow with suspicion but quickly widen with shock when I see familiar green eyes look back into mine.

His eyes are glassy and puffed and his face is ridden with sorrow, how I imagine I look right now. We're in the same situation, I guess. I feel so bad. In the mist of all the action, I completely forgot about him.

I'm the worst sister ever.

It takes everything in me, not to run over or shout out to Caleb. His eyes warn me not to. I know he's our only chance of getting out of here, alive.

"Soon, the kingdom will bow down to me! Not little Miss Natalie and her pretty boyfriend-" Jeanine rattles on. I'm still confused as to how Jeanine knows -knew- my mother and why does she hate her so much?

I look back at Caleb and see something has changed within him.

He looks more determined now, a fire in his eyes that I've never seen before. His jaw tightens and his fists clench, and it's then I realise that he is holding something.

Clasped in his fingertips, is a little contraption with a large button in the centre. His makes eye contact and jerks his head to the left, where I see a box tucked in the bushes, a little distance from him.

A bomb.

But how's it going to help us, from all the way over there?

'Trust me.' Caleb mouths to me and I bite my lip. Whenever I've trusted him before, it back fires. But this is our only hope at survival and we're desperate.

I look at Tobias who seems to have caught on. He raises his eyebrows ever so slightly at me to confirm and I nod so subtle you wouldn't know I did it.

"-and I will be the rightful queen, rule this kingdom the way I want to-" Jeanine continues with her speech, trying to frighten all the servants and cooks gathered in the entrance, and succeeding. This woman is insane.

'A distraction.' Caleb mouths to me and before I can process his words an earthshattering boom is heard and we fall to the floor with the vibrations of the ground, jerking us off our feet.

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