•Chapter Seven•

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It's been three days since Celeb had the meeting with Mother and Father and I haven't seen any of them since. And I actually thought that I was gonna have my brother back to play with.

I don't know why I thought that. He needs to work. He is the next King, for goodness sake!

Tobias has been completely ignoring me and I have no idea why. When we see each other across the room, he just walks away, avoiding me.

I don't know what I did wrong. I made him breakfast and everything!

He probably doesn't want to be friends with a stupid spoilt princess after all.

Maybe I should just give up...

No! I can't let the only chance of having a friend disappear.

I need to confront Tobias on why he's ignoring me, like an adult. Calm and controlled.

I walk across the blood, red carpet along to Tobias room. My hand hovers on the door before I 'man up' and knock. There is no answer so after a while I slowly open the door and peak inside.

Pacing back and forth in his room, Tobias doesn't seem to notice my entrance. He has a conflicted expression as if he's arguing with himself.

I cough to get his attention and his head shoots up in surprise to see me standing here.

"Hi." I say smiling but he just looks away.

"What do you want?" He grumbles, taking a seat on his bed.

Remember, 'Calm and controlled'

"Why are avoiding me?!" I blurt, cringing at how blunt it was.

Well done, Idiot!

"What do you mean?" He asks, trying to seem oblivious.

"Quit the act, Tobias." I say walking closer to him. "You and I both know you've been avoiding me and I wanna know why."

He sighs and puts his head in his hands.

"Was it something I did?" I ask, looking down at my baby pink socks. "I'm sorry if I did something to make you hate me but...I don't know what I did..."

"No." He says quietly.

"No what?" I question confused.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong and I don't hate you." He says lifting his head to look at me.

"Then why have you been avoiding me?" I demand.

He opens his mouth to respond but closes it quickly and looks down.

"The thing is..." He starts and I look at him eagerly. "I know you want a friend and all...But I'm not the kind of person you want to be friends with."

"What?" I say, I really don't care who I'm friends with I just want a friend.

"I've done stuff, Tris. Terrible stuff." He looks away. "I-I just don't want to drag you into it. My past is too dangerous. You have to trust me when I say that you wont want to be friends with me of all people."

"Tobias, I don't care who you are or what has happened in the past. All I've ever wanted- was to have a friend. Someone to have fun with, and relax with." I say voicing my thoughts.

"I know but-" He starts but I interrupt him.

"I don't care what you've done! I am spoilt and I'm stubborn and I'm the princess. I-"

"Exactly! I'll never be good enough to be friends the princess." He interrupts. "I can't be friends with someone like you, after everything I've done in the past!" He ends up shouting at me in frustration.

My opens in shock at his sudden outburst. He looks at me guilty but says nothing. Classic Tobias- never voicing his thoughts.

"I have a proposal." I mumble after lots of awkward silence.

"What is it?" He answers.

"I'll forget about your mysterious, dangerous, past if you'll be my friend." I say my voice rising at the end to sound like a question.


"Hear me out," I plead. "I want people to stop treating me like the princess. You're the only person I've met who actually talks to me like I'm... well... normal? I like that. And you don't want me to find out about this dangerous past of yours. If you forget that I'm the princess and stop looking at me like I'm just this weak little girl, I'll be your friends and I don't need to know about this dark past anyway. If you can have fun with me and if we can look out for each other, we can be friends."

I sit down next to him. "If we can do that then it doesn't matter that I'm a stupid princess or that you've done some bad things. Friends look out for each other no matter what. That's all I've ever wanted." I say, confidently but also nervous he'll refuse.

He opens his mouth several times to reply but keeps closing it. I raise my eyebrows, trying to get a response out of him.

"Tris, look, I still don't think you will want to be friends with me but-" He sighs. "Tris, you are nothing like I imagined you to be. Yes, you're stubborn and maybe a bit spoilt but you also have a good personality, I can see it. I don't feel like a monster like me should have the priveledge to be friends with a princess."

I look down with sadness. I guess I'm not getting a friend any time soon.

"But-" I look up hopefully as he continues. "I've been told I don't treat you like a princess anyway so why should I start now?" He says cheekily and a smile breaks out on my face.

"Friends?" He asks holding his hand out for me to shake.

I ignore it and wrap my arms around his built figure tightly. He grumbles but I ignore it.

"Friends." I confirm, my arms wrapped tightly around him.


I lost track of time after about two hours, but I've been taking to Tobias for absolutely ages!

We are just sat on his bed opposite each other. We've talked about everything except his past and my family. I'm enjoying it.

Right now, he's telling me a story he heard in Dauntless about a princess and a frog. I've never heard of this fairy tale.

"So, the princess kisses the frog-"

"Wait what?!" I screech. "She kisses the frog?!"

He chuckles at my reaction. "Yep, she kisses it." He replies.

"Eww! I would never kiss a frog! That is so gross!" I say, my face scrunching up in disgust, at the thought.

"Well, you might do if it grows into a handsome prince.." he says and I gasp.

"It turns into a prince? Wow!" I sigh. I wish I had a prince to come save me.

Suddenly, Caleb bursts through the door, panting with breath.

"Caleb? What's wrong?" I spring up to help him stand up and Tobias stands up as well.

"There-you-are," He pants. "I've been-looking-every-where."

"What's happened?" I ask and he puts his hands on his knees and head hunched over, trying to get his breath back.

"We got another note," he says once he has recovered.

"What does it say?" Tobias asks.

"It's threatening someone in the family." He replies, avoiding my gaze.

"Who?" I ask cautiously.

He looks at me and straight into my eyes.


Hello everyone!

Sorry this update is late, I was trying to update yesterday but life got in the way. :(

Good news though! I hit 100 follows this week! Thank you to everyone who follows me you have no idea how much it means to me. <3

Did you enjoy this chapter? If you did leave me a comment or a vote because it gives me some feedback. :)

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