•Chapter Twenty•

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I wake from a knock at the door. I lean my head up and open my eyes slowly to see the sunlight isn't flooding through the curtains like it usually is when Robert brings my breakfast. I look over at my clock to see it's 5:30. Who is waking me at this time?

"Come in." I say my voice laced with sleep. I sit up just to see Susan pop her head in.

"Morning!" She chirps, far to cheerful for this time in the morning, in my opinion. She's carrying a deep blue dress in her hands and places it over the end on my bed. "Your parents want to see you."

My sleepy emotion left immediately and confusion fills it's place. Why do they want to see me? And at this time?

"You need to get dressed, and breakfast will be provided." And with that she leaves me bewilderment.

I drag myself out of bed with groan and trudge to the shower. Once I'm showered, I grab the dress and slip it on. The colour reminds me of Tobias' eyes. I would be lying if I didn't say Tobias was on my mind since last night. But whenever he does pop into my mind it puts a big shining smile on my face.

I run a brush through my hair and put it in a bun at the back of my head but I put a few hairs out at the front to frame my face- I know Mother doesn't approve when I do this but it's how I like it.

I make my way downstairs with a yawn and make my way to the meeting room. I find Caleb waiting for me outside and I'm guessing Mother and Father are already inside. Caleb's face injuries have improved marginally, his bruises have lightened and the spark is back in his eyes. He smiles as he greets me politely and opens the door for me to enter.

My stomach rumbles extremely loud as I make my way in which makes Mother and Father look up. My eyes widen with embarrassment as the noise echo's around the empty, window-less room. Father ignores it and smiles warmly and Mother has a look of disapproval, whereas Caleb looks like he is trying not to laugh so I glare at him.

"Robert." Mother says to Robert who I only just noticed was in  the room with us, along with some other servants. "Could you get the breakfast? Looks like some of us can't wait." She sends me a look as he scurries out to fetch the breakfast.

My face becomes hot as Caleb sniggers. I send him another glare.

"How are you, Beatrice?" Father asks sensing my awkward situation.

"I'm good." I reply softly.

He smiles. "That's great."

Just then the breakfast came in and halted all conversation. Mother said grace before we all dug into the Full English Breakfast. I only grab two sausages and some toast because I don't want to look greedy after what happened earlier. However, the fried eggs were staring at me so I grabbed one when  no one was looking.

"Beatrice," Caleb says and my attention shoots to him. "The reason we called you down is because we are going to have some visitors this afternoon."

"They made a story about your disappearance on the news and want an interview from the princess herself." Father continues.

My mind flashes back to watching the news program in Will and Christina's apartment and when I fainted. I still can't believe I fainted at that, it wasn't that bad.

Then again, I did find out Tobias was fired and everyone was panicking about the lost princess.

"They want to interview me?" I ask them shocked. I pick up some toast in my hand before putting it down again and using my knife and fork after seeing my mothers horrified glance. I almost roll my eyes.

"Yes." Caleb answers my question as if it were obvious.

"And if I don't want to?" I challenge. I know I'm being difficult and most people would jump at the chance to be on TV but I can't help it. Why didn't they check I was alright with that first?

"Beatrice don't make this problematic." Father sighs. "We were worried sick! The kingdom will want to know you are okay."

"But why can't they hear it from you?" I mumble, playing with my food, no longer hungry.

"Beatrice, please don't be like this." Mother says. "We love you but you need to learn that you have responsibilities too, just like the rest of us."

I scoff and sit back in my chair. "I don't have responsibilities, Mother! If I did I would be in here with you everyday instead of in my room, bored out of my mind!" I snap. A look of shock takes over all their features.

"Beatrice, please." Caleb pleads. "Don't be like this."

"Don't be like what Caleb?" I snap angrily. "Be normal? Want to be helpful? Want to be needed?!" I storm out the room before I can say anything else I will regret later and run up to my bedroom.


My eyes are starting to droop in exhaustion. Last night, I didn't get to sleep until at least one o'clock and with the early morning, everything was catching up with me.

Maybe that's why I snapped at my family this morning. Or maybe I just got sick and tired of the life I lead.

I perch on the end of the bed twiddling my thumbs in boredom. Deep down I know it's true, what I said, but I can't help but feel bad for shouting at them.

A knock sounds through  my door echoing around. I look up to and I see my Mother sending me a soft smile but I just look down at my clasped hands.

"Hello." She greets and sits next to me on the bed.

"Hi." I say monotonously.

"Look, Beatrice." She starts and I look up into her sorrowful eyes. "I know how you feel. I felt exactly the same growing up. We don't mean to leave you out, I promise."

She places a hand around me cradling me to her body. Suddenly I feel like a little girl again.

"Your father and I love you very much, Caleb does too- and that's why we work the way we do." She continues. "We are trying to keep you safe from the psychopaths who are trying to kill you." She pauses and looks at me with Pride in her eyes. "You may think you're not important but you have one of the most important jobs."

I look up at her with confusion.

"Do you have any idea why these people are targeting you?" She asks stroking my hair gently.

I shake my head in her chest.

"Because you are our world, Beatrice. We love you, family are never apart. Maybe in distance, when you feel like we are leaving you out but never in heart. I need you to always remember that."

She releases from the hug and kisses my forehead, an action she hasn't done in years.

"The Media are coming over at three. You don't have to do it, but it would be really good for the kingdom-stop them worrying." She says and looks at me with hopeful expression.

"I do it." I say softly. I just can't say no to my mothers kind words.

"Thank you, Beatrice! This is really grown up of you." She kisses me once more on the forehead before leaving me and closing the door behind her. I look at the clock, 13:50.

That means I have an hour and bit to get my story straight before the media come.


Hi everyone! ^-^

Here's the update! Sorry for the delay and this is kinda a filler chapter.

Thank you to each and everyone of you who has ever voted or commented! It means the absolute world to me, you have no idea.

Vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter! <3

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