•Chapter Thirty-Seven•

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Tobias' face is pale like he'd see a ghost. I guess that's how he must feel right now. He told me he killed his father, or so he thought. But now he's standing in front of us, two years later, looking at heathy as ever.

Marcus is a tall man, towering over us, his face filled with hatred and anger. It's not a pleasant look to be on the receiving end of and made me shiver in fear.

"How is this possible?" I hear Tobias mutter under his breath. His voice was shaky and he was obviously scared to his bones.

His father just chuckles bitterly, his eyes narrowing on me. He likes the fact I'm weary of him and the fact I can't predict his next move. Leaning forward, he got right into Tobias' face making him flinch away, his eyes squeezing shut.

It is strange, seeing Tobias like this. Tobias is brave and strong. He's my rock, he keeps me sane and brings me to reality. I can't imagine him being scared of anything or anyone. When I'm with Tobias, I feel like I can take on the world.

But when I see him like this- pale as a sheet and shaking like a leaf- it makes me wonder what Marcus is capable of. I feel hopeless and lost. I don't like feeling this way.

"Marcus here, has been helping me along the way." Jeanine says, pointing at Marcus as he comes to stand next to her, in front of Peter, Eric and Al. "When we found out about your little...connection... the goal became so much more than just power."

My eyebrows scrunch together with confusion. What does mine and Tobias' relationship have to do with anything?

"I found out the history between you and Marcus." Jeanine laughs as if this whole thing is just a joke. "So I contacted him, about my plan."

"Sorry but who is this?" Uriah asks, utterly confused. I almost forgot he was still in the room.

"This," Jeanine says, pointing to Marcus who still has his eyes zeroed on Tobias. "is Tobias' father. The one whom he thought he killed and got rid of, two years ago."

I hear Uriah gasp beside me but right now he is the least of my worries. Tobias is the one I'm worried about. His chest is moving up and down as he takes rapid, irregular breaths, his eyes wide with panic as he watches Marcus' every move.

"See, Tobias beat me, 'till the point where I wasn't breathing anymore." Marcus spat, making Tobias flinch. I know he regrets it, even after all his father did to him and how much he deserved it. It's because Tobias is the good man I see him as. Marcus leans forward, licking his lips. "But you can't get rid of me that easily."

"How did you...?" Tobias whispers and I can tell just getting those words out was difficult for him.

"A member of the council found me as they were coming to deliver news." He explains. "He called an ambulance and they were able to revive me. And ever since that day I have been trying to track you down and get my revenge."

"You act like you've been the perfect father this whole time." Tobias says, his voice still shaking.

"Tobias, I have no idea what I have done to deserve this kind of treatment." Marcus says, outraged. My fists clench behind me back and I know that if they weren't tied up, I would've punched him by now.

"Nothing wasn't done for my own good...isn't that right, dad?" Tobias spits, his voice becoming firmer with the sudden bravery. A proud feeling sprouts within me, making me want to reach out to him.

I wonder why he still calls him dad. Marcus has acted nothing like a good dad should and doesn't deserve that title.

Marcus just glares daggers at him, too stupid to come up with a comeback.

"Anyway, I made contact with Marcus and we found out we could kill two birds with one stone...so to speak." She tells me and slowly everything fits into place. "The way to hurt the princess most was to hurt her little secret boyfriend."

"No..." I whisper in disbelief. They can hurt me all they want but hurting Tobias just to spite me? That's not right.

"Go ahead, Marcus." Jeanine says, looking at her nails like she was bored and this was an everyday occurrence.

Marcus leans forward and cracks his knuckles making me cringe at the sound. "You have no idea how long I've waited to do this." Before I can blink, Marcus' fist slams into Tobias' jaw. I cry out when I hear a crack and Tobias groan in pain.

Tobias' nose gushes with blood as Marcus smiles at what he's done. I feel sick and look away, not being able to bere seeing him like this when I'm technically the cause.

"Wait." Al interrupts. Marcus freezes, his fist in the air ready for round two as Jeanine looks up, raising her eyebrows at him as if daring him to challenge her. "N-no one t-told me this was the plan."

Jeanine shakes her head. "Did you think we were that stupid?" She says in disbelief. "We knew that you obviously wouldn't do as we said if you knew the full plan."

"You tricked me." Al says, his head hung low.

"You're so thick!" Peter snarls. "You really thought that we would 'dispose of Tobias' and pretend to have 'killed' Tris so you two can go off and live happily ever after?"

Suddenly everything made sense. Al was telling the truth about his feelings. And it seemed he was willing to go to extreme measures to be with me. I understand his betrayal now, not that it is a good enough reason to do something like this.

"Well, now that that's cleared up," Jeanine claps her hands. "We can continue."

Ten minutes later, tears were streaming down my face as Marcus threw hit after hit to Tobias. With difficulty, I tried to keep my sobs in as when Marcus heard me his smacked me to shut me up, even though I knew he was secretly loving seeing me suffer.

"Please! Stop!" I plead over and over again, looking at Tobias' nearly unconscious body. Blood was pouring out his nose now as he hit him again. Tobias bends over, choking as he coughs up blood. They are going to kill him! Marcus ignores my cries as he carried on rearranging Tobias' face. Peter and Eric also ignored me as they had their own fun.

Soon, it grew boring for them and they finally left, but not before promising to be back later.

"T-Tobias?" I shakily call out, hoping he can still hear me. His head is thrown back, his eyes closed in pain.

"Dude? Stay with us." Uriah says, sounding as hopeless as I feel.

Tobias hums silently telling us that it was too painful to speak but letting us know he was still conscious. It relaxed me to some extent but it didn't settle the trauma of seeing him this way.

"Uriah, what are we going to do?" I heave, my heat heavy in my chest.

"I don't know Tris. I'm stuck." Uriah sighs, his head low. It was hopeless. All we could do was hope that Marcus wouldn't be back for a very long time.


So, wattpad is confusing me again and accidently published the wrong version about an hour ago. Sorry to anyone who saw the old unedited version with no ending. I immediately unpublished but I had to re-write almost all of this chapter. I literally cried because I was so proud of how it came out.

Nevertheless, I re-wrote this for you all because I desperately wanted to get a chapter out. I might come back later in the week and edit this but it will just be description changes, not plot.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyway! Leave a comment telling me what you think! ^-^

My Body GuardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora