•Chapter Thirty-Two•

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"You want something to eat? It's nearly five." Tobias says, looking at the silver watch on his wrist.

I didn't realise how hungry I was until he said those words so I nod into his chest and he gives me one last squeeze before gently pushing me up into a sitting position and letting me go so he can stand to go to the kitchen.

I look at the clock next to the front door and see that it is 4:45. I cringe. My wedding was supposed to start at 3:00. What is happening at the castle? Did Uriah say anything? Did the guard say anything? Is Caleb angry? Are my parents angry?

Or are the actually worried about my well being like real parents?

I scoff. They're probably worried about the reputation of the castle again.

"You like omelette?" I hear Tobias' voice from the kitchen and turn around to see him looking through his cupboards. I wrinkle my nose and he laughs at my expression. "Well, I have nothing else to eat so you wanna order a pizza?"

I nod my head vigorously. I've always wanted to order takeaway. I've only had pizza twice in my life and it was of course, gourmet pizza, homemade in the castle.

He grabs his phone and types in numbers from a slip of paper. "Pepperoni alright?"

"It my favourite!" I say beaming.

He smiles back, holding the phone to his ear. "Mine too."


"I'll take the couch." Tobias says popping the pizza box in the bin. We shared a large pepperoni pizza and now I am stuffed, my hands wrapped around my large belly.

"What?" I ask confused, standing up.

"You can sleep on my bed." He says and grabs a spare blanket from a small cupboard in the corner.

"No no no." I say shaking my head at him and pulling the blankets out his hands. "I'll take the couch. You take your own bed."

"Tris, you're a princess. Let me treat you like one." He winks at me pulling the blankets back into his grasp.

I roll my eyes angrily. "Don't you remember why I wanted to be friends with you in the first place?" I demand, once again taking the blankets back. "I'm sick to death with being treated like a princess."

He sighs loudly. "Come on, Tris. I'm trying to be a gentleman here?"

"Nope." I say hugging the blankets to my chest.

"How about we both sleep in my bed?" He says stepping closer to me. I blush at the thought. "I mean, we are boyfriend and girlfriend, right?"

I breath hitches when he says I am his girlfriend and butterflies erupt in my stomach. But sleeping in the same bed? I don't think I'm ready for that.

"I-I'm not-" I stutter, nervously. I don't want to go too fast.

"Tris, honestly!" He laughs pulling me in for a hug. I instantly relax in his arms. "Nothing is going to happen. Neither of us want to sleep on this lousy couch, we are just too freaking polite to admit it. Come on, sleep next to me in my bed."

I pull away and look up and him. He smiles warmly down at me.

"Okay." I agree and his lips curl up to a smile before he leans in.

I lean in too and our lips meet. The kiss was short and sweet but still...full of love.

"I need to take a shower." He whispers when we pull away. "I'll get you some clothes to sleep in."

I nod and follow him into the bedroom. He rummages though his drawers again and pulls out an older looking shirt than the one I'm wearing. It's a deep green and used to have some sort of pattern on the front but it must of come off in the wash, leaving behind white debris.

I thank him and he grabs some clothes for himself before going into his on suite bathroom.

This shirt is bigger than the last. The length goes to my knees and the sleeves should lie like a t-shirt but they go past my elbows.

Tobias comes out of the bathroom making me jump but I see he does a double take when he sees me drowned in his shirt. He is just wearing an old shirt, similar to mine except it actually fits him, and some pyjama bottoms. His eyes trail down to my legs but he soon realises I'm uncomfortable and snaps out of his trance to meet my blushing face.

"The bathroom's free." He says, trying to ease the tension. "There's a spare toothbrush if you want it..."

"Thank you." I reply and walk to the bathroom, feeling his eyes on me, burning the back of my head.

I wash my face and clean my teeth, I even found a comb that I ran through my hair a few times but it was no use. My hair was like a birds nest. When I return to the bedroom, Tobias was already in bed, the curtains drawn. I shyly make my way over to him and climb onto the other side when he moves to make way for me.

He opens his arms and I willingly cuddle up to him, resting my head on his chest. Today has been a long day and lots of things have happened. And I was exhausted. But I didn't want to fall asleep before Tobias.

I yawn loudly making him laugh and kiss my forehead. "Go to sleep, Tris."

I nod slowly, giving in. "Goodnight Tobias."

"Goodnight Tris." He nuzzles his face into my hair affectionately, as his steady heartbeat puts me to sleep.


Hi everyone! Short chapter, I'm sorry!

The divergent awards are off :( But they might be back...I don't really understand. But thank you all so much for the nominations anyway! I'm pretty bummed, I thought I could win something but oh well. I love all my readers and you all mean everything to me!

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