•Chapter Twenty-Four•

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"Dig in everyone!" Father says after grace and all the servants have all brought out our dinner. It's a lamb roast along with bright broccoli and carrots with the finest favour. The meeting ended about ten minutes ago and I was waiting two whole hours for them to 'talk'!

I look around and no one has started so I need to wait- it's manners, apparently.

"Thank you so much for having us for dinner, ..-y-your majesties" Will adds as if he remembered who he was talking to. He picks up his knife and fork to starts eating so I start too. Thank god, I'm starving.

"You're welcome, darling." Mother says, smiling lovingly. "Thank you for helping out our Beatrice when she was in need."

I roll my eyes. They are making out like I am this damsel in distress. I can take care of myself, thank you very much.

"Oh, it was nothing." Christina brushes off. "We didn't even know who she was when we took her in."

"Even better. That just shows what good citizens you are and we are lucky to have you in this kingdom." Father says. "You didn't meet anyone else when you were in Dauntless, Beatrice? Exept Al, of course."

"Yes, I'm surprise I didn't see you Beatrice!" Peters says sweetly. Oh, did I forget to mention, Peter joined us. And unfortunately sat next to me as Christina, Will and Al were staying clear. Their renunion wasn't so friendly. I'm not surprised as Tobias did tell me they were in his initiation class together and what he did.

"No, we thought it was best if I stayed inside," I muttered.

"Good decision." Caleb congratulated Will and I roll my eyes, Of course, he thought that was a good idea. Ignoring my idiotic brother, I continued.

"I only met Al because he actually came to the house." I look at Al who was opposite me but to find him already staring at me in awe. I smile and he smiles back. He seems nice.

We all finish our dinner and me Christina, Will and Al decide to go to the living room after they thank my parents for the meal once again.

I roll my eyes for the umpteenth time. They didn't make the meal. If they should thank anyone, it should be the chiefs who made it.

After talking for a few moments Caleb walks in, much to my dismay.

"What do you want?" I sigh. I was enjoying myself with my friends and he's spoiling it. Typical Caleb.

"I wanted to see if our guests wanted to see the gardens." He states ignoring my bitterness. They all smile and mumble agreements so we jump to our feet. "Wait, Beatrice...just out guests. You know it's still too dangerous out there for you."

"Are you kidding me?" I demand, springing to my feet, my happy mood finally deflating. "You can't offer my friends stuff that I'm not allowed to do!"

"They aren't the princess. They aren't in danger!" Caleb hisses. "Stop being childish and making a scene over nothing! You're just embarrassing yourself."

I scoff loudly. How dare he! These are my friends and I'm the one who is always bored and now he comes in and spoils my happiness.

"Tris, if you want, I'll stay with you and the boys can go out." Christina says, obviously they heard everything.

"No, you-" I say feeling bad for my outburst but she interrupts me.

"Tris, I want to, okay?" She reassures me. She's so stubborn like me, no wonder we are good friends.

"Okay then." I sigh. "Have fun." I spit to Caleb before walking back over to the others.

The boys go after giving me and sympathetic smile and I'm left with Christina. "This whole thing is tough, isn't it? Being stuck inside all day?" Christina sympathises as she plops on the sofa again.

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