•Chapter Thirty-Six•

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"How...what...I-" I stutter, my heart beating fast in my chest as he rushes forward and starts untying the knots on my wrists.

"Shush, Tris. We don't have much time." He mumbles, shutting my babbling up as he struggles to loosen a knot.

"How did you get out? How did you know I was here? How-" I can't help but ask question after question, wondering how on earth he got out of the dungeons to come save me. Once he unties my hands I untie my left foot while he unties my right.

"You know me. Scary boyfriend skills." He smirks up at me as we finish untying my feet. I stand up, rubbing my burning wrists from the rope.

My eyes narrow at him, how did he know about that nickname? He wasn't there, the only person who calls him that is....

"Uriah helped me out. And now we've come to get you out of here." He explains, seeing my confused face. Of course. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the knocked down door. "Now come on, we have to go before-"

"Hello Four." We freeze, hearing Peters voice and seeing his smug expression by the door, two syringes in his hands. He tilts his head, thinking. "Or should I say Tobias?"

"You don't get to call me that!" Tobias roars, storming towards Peter, his hands in fists but I grab his arm to hold him back. I know Tobias is strong and the best fighter in the Kingdom but who knows what Peter is capable of, especially with those needles.

"I'd listen to your girlfriend if I were you, Tobias." Peter sings stepping towards us, cornering us. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. But whichever it is, you two are going to end up tied in those chairs. So what's it gonna be?"

We don't move. Side by side, with our hands clasped.

Peter laughs. "Aw, how sweet." He coos, looking at our hands, before looking behind him at the voices and footsteps drawing closer, I also hear someone struggling but it's too far away to hear who it is. "Hard way it is!" He says joyously. "Hey, some help would be nice?!" He yells down a corridor.

Soon enough Eric and Al appear behind him. Eric had his arms folded in front of him and Al copies his stance, but looks a little unsure of what he's doing.

"Eric." Tobias mumbles in disbelief. They must know each other from Dauntless. "I should've known."

"Hello Four." Eric sneers, as Peter hands him a needle and the other to Al.

Eric comes running towards Tobias but he looks ready and throws a punch to his right shoulder. It throws Eric off balance but it doesn't stop him from landing a kick to Tobias' shin sending him to the floor. Tobias sprigs to his feet like the hit didn't affect him and punches Eric again, this time in the gut making Eric groan in pain.

So caught up watching Tobias and Eric fight, I was unaware that Al was coming towards me. I step back look down at my clothes. I am still wearing the dress from the castle and it's not the kind of clothing to fight.

Al walks closer, a determined look on his face. How am I supposed to get past him? Maybe if everyone let me fight like I wanted to, I wouldn't be in this situation. But now, I have no idea where to start.

From the front, Al puts me in a headlock, making sure my neck is reachable. I let out a scream and grab his large arm with my hands to try peel it off me but it doesn't budge.

My scream makes Tobias look my way, a worried look on his face. Eric takes advantage of his distraction and plunges the needle in his neck.

For a few seconds, Tobias looks absolutely fine. Until his body goes limp and falls to the floor, his eye drowsily closing. My heart drops.

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