•Chapter Ten•

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"So, listen up." Tobias whispers. "Your parents and Caleb have a meeting at two o'clock today until four o'clock. That should give you just over two hours outside before we need to get you back inside without them knowing."

I nod eagerly. Two hours outside of this stupid castle would be amazing.

"And you can only go in the orchard. It should be empty as I saw the servants collecting food this morning." I furrow my eyebrows in question. As if he read my mind he answers, "As much as I know you want to outside, I still need to do my job. The orchard is the only place I know you'll be safe."

"Okay then." I say. I don't want to argue because he might change his mind altogether.

"We are going out the ballroom doors and into the orchard that way so come on." He says and I follow him to the ballroom.

Once we reach the ballroom we scan the area for any servants who could rat us out but we see no one.

"After you." Tobias smirks as he holds the door open and I laugh heartily. I'm so excited to go outside I will laugh at anything right now!

He shifts the curtains away and I have to squint from the daylight. I almost forgot it was the middle of summer.

"You have to promise to do everything I say, okay? When I say times up, I mean it. Understand?" He orders.

"Yep!" I smile, as he uses the key to open the door. (Caleb gave it to him in case we had to make an escape).

As soon as the door opens, the fresh air hits me like a tidal wave. The sounds of birds singing sweet songs fill my ears and I feel at peace again. I run out, a smile evident on my face.

In the rush to get outside, I just changed out of my maroon, long dress mother picked out,to a simple light blue dress. It's shorter than what I'm used to, draping just below my knee but it gives me more freedom. I freedom I crave. It hangs a lot looser and is only on one shoulder. It's light fabric swirls in the air as I run in circles.

I hear a deep chuckle and I turn to see Tobias leaning on the castle walls shaking his head a smile on his face. I know he's laughing at me but at this moment it time I couldn't care less.

The grass tickles my small feet as I forgot to put shoes on as well. I sink to my knees and look around. The orchard was very beautiful. Rows of apple trees to my left and rows of veg to the right. Not a weed in sight.

I frown. I was hoping I could make a daisy chain. It always seems to calm me.

"Tobias?" I ask and his head looks up a smile still on his face. "Can I go the gardens to make a daisy chain?"

His face hardens. "You can't."

"Why?" I wine like a child.

"The deal was for you to come to the orchard and listen to what I say. I'm already taking you outside and risking my job for you." He says.

"I understand." I mutter and fiddle with the grass on the floor.

He sighs loudly and walks towards me but I don't look up.

"Don't make me feel guilty, Tris." He says taking a seat next to me.

"I'm not." I say quietly, still not looking up. "I just like making daisy chains."


"I dunno," I say finally looking up to his enchanting eyes. "They're just simple and yet so pretty. They don't have to worry about stupid people trying to kill them or big brothers who wont let them in or staying in the castle all day everyday talking to bloody paintings for company!"

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