Ha-Ha and Uh-Oh

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Wednesday, 22nd October, 5:00pm

Over three weeks streamed by in progression.

Andrea adjusted well in the new home. She was happy in the role of work, her fashion show being an amazing success. I regretted the opportunity of refusing the offer to attend but the deeds of work filled in the chances of freedom. There was a moment of her sitting in the study, late at night. Red eyed from crying and helpless with a bottle of wine on the table. I checked on her discreetly every few hours, being quiet to herself. Responding with confidence and the professional mask whenever I made an appearance. I couldn't help but feel just as sad, relying on work to be the getaway of the tragedy in our lives. I remember calling George from work and ordering him to remove the wine bottles and any other alcohol beverage in the household and for Claretta to regularly keep an eye on my mother. To comfort her when she was down.

I was sure of it that Andrea would never resort to alcoholism to reverse the pain from the tragedy. But before I could let one glass turn to a dozen more, I needed to make sure it was out of reach.

For Axl, well he was still in concern if he'd still get to visit his old home. Where his mini swing and playground set would adjust more comfortably in the thick grass than the concrete paths built all around the house here. There were many nights where he'd sneak into my room instead of staying with mum, whispering to me that she was crying in her sleep again. I could only lie to him and tell him she laughing of joy from her dreams.

And me?

I maintained and valued the times spent with my new friends and team. I began to follow the lifestyle I was given in the city of New York and if I was brave enough, I would admit it being a refreshing change. But I wasn't going to because I would happen to carry the feeling of deception instantly. I learnt all the routes around work and which people to avoid without hesitation, keeping in mind to keep clear of other departments. Including Mr Stevens. Though my stubbornness hadn't vanished, I would always grab the opportunity to complain about anything. I'm afraid. If I begin to love this place better than home. My original home. Where everything was perfect.

But we all knew, there was nothing left for us there.

Each new member introduced into my life had possessed a separate personal attribute that came inoffensively, as a surprise to me. Though Vadim was one I knew by heart as part of my childhood, I was shocked to know that he had a knack for gardening. The bloom of a water Lily, the layers of a carnation, the fierceness of a rose. Highly unlikely to hear your childhood best friend speak about a plant is extraordinary which gave reason for my astonishment. I was amazed to learn Embeth's fondness of fishing, even though her description of the catching a fish was kind of psychotic.

Ezio had a great love for science and I was too confused to question why he'd joined a business related job where the offer of science was slim to none. Apparently the pointer about 'parents wish' had been his top priority and I raise my eyebrows till this day when reminded me, how much of a mummy's boy he was. The smirk and style was one to have me dubious but the revelation itself seemed to fall into place whenever I would stare at him and imagine him waiting in the kitchen for his mother to prepare him food.

"So you're basically in love with the ideologies of science?"

Ezio calmly nodded at my every word and I nodded my head, frowning my lips in impression. It was noon and gladly so it had been the time to go home. A much deserved moment after a nine hour shift. I could've decided against staying back with the group and drove back home to fulfil a snooze but I chose to stay, even if it caused me sleep deprivation. "Yup. Can never get enough from the updates on social media."

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