Found in the Flesh

88 6 0

Saturday, 31st October, 1.36 am.

Some coarse language


The quiet night was gloomy.

My body stood behind the heavy tide, splashing against the rocks that blocked it's entrance of rising onto the solid lands.

The headlights of my car provided a source of light to fight against the sudden fear of darkness.

Rough winds walloped through the strands of my hair, erupting strange tingling sensations across my skin.

Brooklyn Bridge mounted with bright colours, traffic swiftly progressing across.

My arms stoically remained in a folded position beneath my breasts, forcefully attempting itself to circulate the blood that had been frozen in place. My gum throbbed faintly while my tooth seemed to feel damage free.

My parka disappeared within my car and I accustomed to the white tank top that had been placed underneath.

My mind slacked in thoughts and I stole the hour of staring ahead, adjusting to the lost self.

The sudden absence of my family brought automatic hurt within my chest and I warned myself to not rub the sore area. I wanted to cry, I didn't even know why but it felt like the right thing to do.

"They're safe Valerie."

My promises to Andrea reappeared and I suddenly sniffled, forcefully gritting my teeth together and flaring my nostrils in effort to forget the unbearable struggle through my emotions.

They were gone. How long? That I couldn't even answer.

I understood clearly this day would come, if the inevitable matter betided. But forgetting to untie the family bonds was almost impossible. My task was to fulfil Jonathon's unaccomplished mission. Alone or with support, I couldn't care less because at least then I'd achieve some peace.

My legs reversed, my backside dramatically bumping against the bonnet of my car.

Unfortunately, I hadn't a clue on how to move into the next step. Where I should go or who to deal with first. I was a young woman, seeking for retribution that had no ulterior motive behind. I didn't know if I was doing this for Jonathon or myself, but I knew the circumstances I took upon were for Andrea and Axl.

My small remaining family.

"Valerie get up! Play trucks, trucks!"

Axl's little cheerful face whipped past my vision, poking his tongue at me teasingly and I shook my head. I didn't want this day to come because I knew it was a sign of separation. Lost love, but I had to do what anybody else would for their own.

"Val- Vale- Veee, I'm going to pee, stop it!"

My heart dropped and my eyes strained at Axl's lost voice within my head.  Digging my palms into my eyes, I attempted to retain composure and not let the sullen emotions over control. They slipped away from the liquid oozing out and I thumped my hands onto the bonnet, sniffling loudly.

"Valerie, I love you."

I screamed internally, begging for my thoughts to leave me alone. I felt physically lethargic and wished for my brain to follow. My knees wobbled but I arched myself upright, avoiding to tumble down and release my anguish. "I'm so sorry baby. God, I'm so sorry!"

I was safe and I knew it was important to notify Andrea but there was so much risk. My calls may have been traced and the use of a payphone meant that I'd have to travel into a crowded area in search of one. Either way, I'd have to return to the main city, so I agreed to the latter option.

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