Chapter 16

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D'yonce P.O.V

Blake has been calling my phone off, I have been ignoring him. I didn't leave yesterday. I might leave tomorrow instead.

"Ringgggg" he is still calling. I don't want to hear his excuse.

I answered.

He said "D'yonce I'm so so-". he didnt finish before i jumped in.

"Listen Blake go fuck your self. Don't call me don't look for me. I don't want you in my babies life so just back out of my life".
"You will not hurt my babies like you did me, you're a monster you deserve to die. Here I thought you wanted to try with me but you want to kill me". I said as I ended the call.

I booked my ticket online to go back home. My family haven't even called it's no problem there probably busy just like me.

I was about to go Cook when I heard a knock on my door and I saw it was Jamie.

"Jamie". I said as I hug him," where have you been".

"I was on a little vacation in Jamaica". He replied.

"Okay". I said.

"What were you going to do".

"I was gonna cook wanna help"?

"sure". He said.

I got the peppers out and onions.

"What are we gonna cook". he asked.

"Chicken fry rice". I replied.

"Okay". He said.

Jamie was frying the vegetables right now.

My fork dropped and I bent down to pick it up. Jamie didn't notice and he turned around and his dick was pressed on my ass.

"I am sorry". Jamie said.

"No problem it's a mistake". I said.

1 hour later food was finally ready.

I made some lime juice with koolaid.
I shared 2 plates of food for Jamie and I.

I saw Jamie finished his food and went for some more.

"This taste good". he said.

Jamie started talking and said something unbelievable.

"I like you D'yonce, please can you be together with me. We can raise the baby together. You can live with me it will be great". He said.

"I am sorry Jamie I can't". I said.

He looked sad but he said

"No problem I will find someone as special soon".

"You will Jamie". I replied.

I headed into the kitchen. I think I heard him said something like he already has.

I walked Jamie out after our food and headed into my room to sleep.

"Yess Jermika scream my name baby". Blake groaned.

"Yes baby can you mate suck you like this".

I saw Jermika putted Blake Jr in her.
I wanted to stop it but I was blocked my an imaginary wall. I saw Blake and Jermika laughing and she continued
To have sex with him. After they finished I saw Blake kiss her goodnight and Jermika looked at me and laughed.
* End Of Dream*

Omg I woke up crying I need the both of them out of my life now.

I looked at my baby and rubbed my belly. I miss who I was before all this drama, I know my baby will keep me going. I am gonna be strong for them.

Someone called my phone. When I listened I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Yes Blake fuck me hard baby". Jermika screamed.

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