Chapter 3 - Recongnising Former Comrads

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After the 'friendly chat' with Izana, I agreed to his deal, and was escorted by a few guards to my new room. He was so confident, so sure I would not even attempt to escape, and I wondered why. But he was right, something was holding me back from trying to leave.

I was told that I would meet Zen and his aids that afternoon and I was curious as to how Zen had changed and how his aids were like.

I was also blessed with the privilege of having my belongings returned to me, although a uniform was required, I had refused to wear it, and Izana seemed to not have much against me for not wanting to wear it.

I had gotten into my assassin clothing, and wrapped my dark grey cloak around me. I placed my two katanas into their scabbards, which were connected to my shorts around my waist, and the two blades that were hidden underneath my fingerless gloves could be accessed with one short movement.

A knock came from my door and I shouted to say for them to come in, revealing a girl with golden-blonde hair. She had it tied in a low pony tail to her left shoulder, and had a stonic expression plastered to her face.

"You must be Kiki." I greeted her standing up. "I was informed you would be taking me to meet Zen and his other aids."

"Yes, that is correct." She stated. "I was told you are Zen's new aide, Yui."

"Yes, that's me." I smiled warmly as she called me by my undercover identity.

Kiki took me to Zen's office that afternoon so I could meet him and his other aids. After about two minutes of walking in silence, we entered a hallway across the courtyard which had a view of the castle's beautiful garden. I breathed in the fresh air, as it felt so nice to be outside after being in a prison cell for three months.

An almost inaudible rustle in the trees in the distance made my eye twitch as I immediately turned my head to the source of the noise, but saw nothing. I looked at Kiki and she had not seemed to notice anything, so even though I was convinced I heard something, I pushed the thought away thinking that I was just hearing things.

Once we arrived at Zen's office, Kiki knocked and then opened the door. "Zen, this is Yui, your new aid." She said introducing me after closing the door behind her. Zen was staring out his window, but turned to us when Kiki began to speak.

A man with turquoise hair who was standing by a bookshelf towards my right sheepishly smiled at me, seeming to be intimidated by me. His brown eyes shimmered as he looked at me scratching the back of his neck, and I could swear I heard him gulp quietly in fear.

I tried my best not to laugh at how much he feared me, but Zen cleared his throat turning everyone in the room's attention towards to him. "You must be Yui." Zen flashed a worried grin. "Welcome to Clarence." His voice cracked halfway through his sentence as he seemed to be just as scared of me as the man with turquoise hair.

I hope he doesn't recognise me..

Zen introduced the man with blue hair, who I found out his name to be Mitsuhide. I was surprised slightly as I had never seen him before, but I had guessed he had come after-

something I don't want to remember.

Zen said he had another aide who he didn't know where he was, but as soon as he said this, a man with short black hair jumped through his window from behind him. His eyes widened as he saw me and then fell face first onto the floor of Zen's office.

I giggled quietly as Zen put a hand on his forehead and shook is head, but as the mysterious man sat up, I made eye contact with him for a few seconds and refrained myself from gasping.

I could recognise his cat-like amber eyes anywhere.


"What are you doing here?" I mumbled inaudibly, as he stood up and straightened his clothes.

"Obi, this is Yui, my new aide, she is also known as the assassin 'Blood Scythe'" Zen explained. "She will be working alongside you." Obi pretended as if he had no idea who I was and I played along. Everything seemed to be going well until Zen suggested that Obi gave me a tour of the castle, to which he agreed encouraging my thirst to punch him in the stomach.

Obi and I then left the room to begin the tour of the castle. Once we were outside, we walked for a few minutes in silence until I stopped, Obi stopping a few metres in front of me. He turned around and I walked up to him and slapped his face, leaving a red mark. "You're supposed to be dead!" I shouted at him as tears escaped my eyes. "Y-you have some explaining to do Obi." I wiped the tears from my eyes.

I stared into his amber eyes which seemed to not be as clouded as they were all those years ago, now you could truly see it's colour. I sighed and placed my hand gently where I had slapped him earlier. "S-sorry, I overreacted." I said and he placed his hand on my hand which was on his cheek.

"It's fine." He muttered. "You haven't changed a bit."

"You've changed a lot." I said pulling my hand to my side from his cheek. "You died in my own arms Obi, how could you be alive?" I bit my lip and tried to swallow the lump in my throat. "Torou was convinced that you were alive, but I refused to believe it after your body just dissapeared the next day."

Obi said nothing.

"Are you going to talk to me?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Yes, when it's necessary. Now, can we continue the tour of this castle?" He asked and I looked into his eyes.

He's avoiding me, isn't he? What happened? What have I done?


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