Chapter 29 - You're a Mess

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"Your majesty, did something happen?" Obi smirked and ran a hand through my hair and I exhaled, in the comfort of his arms. There's always been something about Obi which is genuinely pleasant, although a bit annoying sometimes, he's always fun to be around and you can let your guard down around him, knowing that he won't do anything to you.

"You're so warm." I smiled and tightened my grip around him, suddenly I felt my heart starting pounding in my chest. Pulling away, I felt myself shaking and my face blush as bright as a rose. "Um, I-I-"

However, he reached out and began patting my head as if nothing had happened, while flashing a wholehearted smile. His figure was illuminated by the sun behind him, drenched in the light of the sunset. "Aren't you supposed to be going to dinner about now."

"And I thought you were coming here to spend time with me." I folded my arms and looked at the wall, a bright red still painted across my cheeks.

"You're planning on skipping out on dinner aren't you?" He sighed. "You rarely ever eat, you need to be more careful."

"I'm not hungry." I shrugged. "Anyway, you aren't eating either are you?"

He flicked my forehead. "Idiot, you have dinner later than I do. I've already eaten with Mitsuhide and Kiki."

I glanced out the window and watched some birds perched on my balcony. They huddled together, and looked absolutely adorable.

It reminded me of Zen and Shirayuki for some odd reason.

I returned my gaze to the man in front of me, who leaned against the wall and you could to tell he was piecing what to say next, before opening his mouth to speak. "Seems like your cousin isn't that happy about your answer." He commented, letting out a small chuckle. "I saw him storming through the corridors muttering cuss words under his breath."

"A perfect example of my reasoning." I inhaled some air, before rubbing my neck and leaned on opposite wall. "Turns out, that wasn't the only reason why he came. He was asking for my hand in marriage."

Obi had to take a few moments to process what I said, blinking away his confusion he repeated what I just told him, but this time as a question.

"Yes, and I refused." I responded in a low tone before walking towards my desk to neatly arrange the papers that were messily covering each and every corner of the surface. "Anyway, you seem particularly chipper this evening." I remarked, noticing my notebook underneath some sheets of paper. Sticking out from the side was a loose sheet of paper with a staple in the top right, immediately recognising what the contents of that sheet, I swiftly grabbed the notebook and tucked it in so it wasn't as visible. However, the familiar sound of Obi's footsteps approaching me echoed throughout the large room.

I then noticed his hand reach and seize the notebook from my grasp. I turned around to face him as he removed the loose sheet of paper out of curiosity. "No, stop! Give it back!" I shouted and reached my hand to snatch it back from him, but he held it between his two fingers in the air, so there is no chance of me reaching it.

He can't see that drawing, no..

Managing to at least get my notebook back from under his arm, I try to jump and grab my sheet of paper, although Obi's much too tall for me to get it. Flailing my arms around, he laughs and just raises his arms further towards the ceiling.

He began to unfold it with his arms still above his head. The familiar staple mark in the corner of the paper catches my eye as it reflects the sun's rays, nonetheless, I still helplessly attempt again to prevent him from looking at it. As he lowers his arms while skimming through the sheet music and lyrics, I try once more to obtain what he had stolen from me, but with one hand he catches hold of both of my wrists, me drop my notebook onto the floor.

He flipped to the next page, somehow managing to do it with one hand, then proceeding to turn the sheet landscape. "Is this supposed to be me?" He asked with a grin plastered to his face loosening his grip around my wrists. Just about able to shake of his hands, I hastily pick up my notebook and turn around, feeling blood rise up to my cheeks, the blush from the hug returns, my face much redder than the previous time.

"You draw me a lot." A scratching noise fills the air, though I ignore it as I continue to sort out my desk. Finally, Obi breaks the silence a minute later, I could tell he was smirking as he dangles the sheet of paper in front of my face. "Why always me?"

"I don't know." I murmur. "You're fun to draw." Snatching back the paper, I notice in the corner a scribble of words. The handwriting is so poor I can barely make out what it says, squinting my eyes. after a couple of moments I was able to interpret what it meant, rolling my eyes.

'Signed by the one and only Obi!'

Underneath was his signature, with a smiley face next to it. All written in blue ink.

I sighed at his immaturity before slipping the paper back where it belonged and placing my notebook into one of the drawers of my desk.

"You are so clever and stupid at the same time." I mutter quietly, just about loud enough for him to hear. "And when did you get so tall over the last three years?" I ask, remembering the incident that just happened.

"You must have gotten shorter." He teases and I ignore his comment, turning around and placing the last paper in it's designated spot, then talking to myself.

"I should label them, it'll make things easier for whoever takes these." I mumbled to myself and reached for my fountain pen where it always is but it's not there. I sigh in an exasperated tone, and return my hand to my side. "Obi, can I have my fountain pen back?"

After he handed it to me, I browse through my drawer for a sticky note and labeled each pile, saying the name of each one out loud. "You do realise that talking to yourself is a sign of madness." Obi chuckles and once again I disregard him and his comments,

"Hey, I thought you were supposed to be spending time with me." Obi said like a small child as I write on the last sticky note, and I could feel his presence directly behind me. He was radiating warmth and I suddenly felt myself washed with an unusual sensation of unease around him. "I even booked an appointment."

"You could help me organise my files."

"But that's boring!~"

"You're such a child." I sneered and put my fountain pen down and turn towards him, but once again he takes notice of something.

"You've got dark circles underneath your eyes." He observed and I placed both my hands the desk behind me, leaning against it.

"Yeah, that's not my fault." I stated simply and look in the opposite direction. "The only time I ever seem to be able to sleep is-"

'When I'm with you..'

Registering in my head the hole I had dug myself into, I swallowed and shook my hands about. "N-never mind! What about you? You're night owl business going well?" I chuckle awkwardly, realising that sentence made no sense, he sighed and tilted his head slightly to the right staring at me.

"You're a mess, Miss (Y/N)."

A/N: Definitely going to be doing a Q and A, but I need more questions, so please don't forget to comment them! x

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