Chapter 33 - The Army

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A few months had passed since our arrival from Kalendra. However much I enjoyed the beautiful weather here, I missed my Kingdom on extreme levels and was patiently awaiting my return.

I crossed of a day on my calandar with a pen in hand, placing it down on the table before placing my hands on my hips and checking how many days left till my arrival. A thought occured to me as I briefly glance out the window, retreating my vision back to the calandar, my expression dropping.

I realised my time with Obi was limited, knowing that I would barely see him in Kalendra. He doesn't particulary talk to me about the topic, and I sometimes wonder why.

I adjusted my black tie, straightening my baige jacket while staring at my reflection in the mirror, pushing the disturbing realisation far away.

I had dressed in formal attire which had been provided to me by the castle, and after eating breakfast, I would be travelling to a particular location I was dreading of stepping into.

My vision then lands on the paper that was laying on my mahogany desk, and my anxiety suddenly hit me as I tug on my black cape.

A letter had arrived to me a week ago from Clarines' army. It was handwritten by the commander, and had a signature underneath of the Head of Royal Gaurd, scribbled messily underneath in black ink, Izana and Zen's then written their's neatly in a rich royal blue ink, a small smudge underneath the second prince's, letting me let out a small and quiet chuckle once I had first read it.

I pick up the letter once more, to truly and fully understand my situation by reading it once more. I had known from the start that the chance of this particular situation was low, but could still happen.

My fingers shifted their position making my nails scrape against the paper letting out a small scratching noise while my eyes carefully scanned through the written words once more by the General of the Army.

I knew it.

I want to tell Obi, but I can't.

A small gap had been left for my signature, to confirm the contract. Though the words that had been written so neatly and filled with such eloquence, it was clear that what had been printed gave me no choice in the matter whether to accept or decline.

I sighed, dropping the letter and letting it gently flutter back down and touch my wooden desk, raising one of my hands to my face that had been painted with a sunken expression, my eyes barely visable through the hair that covered my face.

The box where I was meant to write my name was blank.

I lift my chin up while taking the quill out of my desk drawer to check the clock for the time that was hung on the wall on the other side of my light green walls.

"Tea! It's Thursday, I completely forgot that I am supposed to be meeting Kiki for breakfast!" I swiftly dip the quill in the ink pot, softly drawing my signature; or that of my alias, straightening my figure and exiting my room, shutting the door with a swift and soft click, locking it afterwards.

I trudge through the endless hallways filled with twists and turns, the sound of my heels against the marble floor echoes through the hallways.

Pushing open the doors that reveal the large hall, people busily engaged each other in conversation, most people with bright and wide smiles as they chat.

The sound of my boots were now muffled as I weave through the tables covered with white tablecloths, searching for the blonde haired girl, finally spotting her sitting on a table near a window. Her hands were placed in her lap as she admired the nature  of the castle courtyards.

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