Chapter 22 - I Only Dream of You, and You Never Knew

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I dedicate this chapter to @Shipper_of_shipz . Each comment that I read from you is so wonderfully sweet and encouraging. Thank you very much for reading this story! x


Staring at my window, I listened closely as the wind began to whistle, the trees swaying to its tune. Clouds were huddled in a group, each droplet like an individual tear dripping from one's eyes and splashing onto the ground below their feet.

It's strange that I seem to favour these particular days, watching the rain fall like droplets of crimson red blood from a knife. Some consider these thoughts to be quite sadistic, but I myself don't feel the same way, as I'm not one to personally believe that the smell of blood could fill you with adrenaline.

I had heard that my father had been planning this funeral for many months, apparently of the approximate days where his death could be placed on. All were informed, except the members attending from Clarines and myself.

A clear yet hesitant knock was heard from my door followed by a voice asking for permission to come in. I replied, in a moderately quiet voice, but loud enough for them to hear. The door opened and I could hear the familiar footsteps of someone I knew well.

"Hey Yui." I swallowed listening to the sound of Obi's voice, the way that the words that he spoke rolled of his tongue were indescribable, but there was something about it that comforted me in the smallest way.

I greeted him back quietly, almost in a whisper, but he heard me and I he stood a few inches to my right, watching the rain pound to the ground just like me. Some droplets dripped down the glass, and I could even hear minor thunder.

"I was told to come and get you, the guests will start arriving in half an hour."

I didn't reply, just continued to watch the rain splatter onto the ground as the room fell silent once more. Although my mind was clear, without any thoughts clung to my mind, it was somewhat much more displeasing than I imagined. 

I could not feel a single emotion deep down anywhere in my heart, but as soon as I realised the comfort I felt with Obi standing next to me, I could barely hold my emotions with in me.

No matter how much I hated that man and I always would, he was still my dad. "You know, you don't have to hold in your emotions, you're not weak if you cry. It just shows how strong that you've been throughout everything you've been through."

"O-Obi?" I felt tears begin to blur my vision as I looked up at him, only his yellow eyes visible to me. "C-can I hug you?"

He paused for a moment and then sighed with relief, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I gently cried, clutching his shirt. My knees fell weak, and I couldn't stand. The only thing that kept me on my feet was Obi's strong arms.

At this moment, I felt more vulnerable than I had ever been before in my life, and was finally coming to realise what Obi meant to me. It was as if around this guy, I could let my guard down and know I would come out without any permanent injuries. It was as if that when I was around him, so many of the things that make me depressed are gone.

All the scars I have from broken memories, small things like my insomnia that he cures, yet I can't cure him.

How much he knows about me and has done everything in his power to try and help me forget and get over the things that people have done to harm me.

Thinking about how much I cared for him, how much I wanted to do something that could help his broken heart, made me not want to let go of his chest. I wanted to hear his heart beating steadily and stay like this forever, in his embrace.

Although after a few minutes, I felt him slowly let go of me. Realising how cold I felt without his arms around me, I wanted him to hold me once more.

Once we pulled away, he turned around and handed me my handkerchief which was on the table. After thanking him, I wiped my eyes with it and my breathing began to steady. I placed it into my black jacket pocket that was on top of my black dress and then shook my head to wake myself up.

"Sorry." I apologised and looked at him, inspecting the black clothes that he had been provided with. 

I grabbed his arm. "Shall we go-"

He winced, and pulled his arm back.

"O-Obi?" I stuttered and pulled my hand back, thinking I'd done something, but he shook his head and  nodded in agreement smiling brightly at me.

"No idea what that was, sorry." He chuckled and I raised an eyebrow but shook it off.

We then left and walked down where we were greeted by a sympathetic funeral planners who guided us to where the funeral would take place. Kalendra Castle was known for its beautiful gardens, which is where my father's coffin was to be buried down at the back in his favourite spot. The rain still pounded heavily down onto our heads, however Obi and I were provided with umbrellas so we were alright for the most part.

As we walked, the funeral planners explained what was going to happen. They showed us where the Tribute would be taking place before the Procession. It was a building in the castle gardens, and there was a pathway to it. Once we got indoors, the assistant to the main funeral planner took our umbrellas and we thanked him.

"Your highness, his majesty asked us before his death if you could play a piano piece at his funeral." He explained and I raised an eyebrow.

"It's a bit late don't you think? I don't know what to play and I'll have barely any time to practice, I haven't been on a piano in years!" I explained, not wanting to play the piano after so many years in front of a judgemental crowd.

"No need to worry, your highness, I was informed by your bodyguard, Mr Amachi was it that you have written your own pieces."


You went through my diary without asking..?

That was connected to my drawing of Obi, damn you!

I saw Obi immediately tense up and I nodded. "Yes, I do. But I'm sure that they aren't as good as-"

"I'm sure they will be wonderful your highness, it would be wonderful if you could do this." The funeral planners grinned and I thought for a moment, pondering whether or not it was a good idea, but then sighing and giving in.

I sighed. "Okay.. I will."

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