Chapter 15 - A Bit Drunk..

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Hideki's P.O.V.

"Pissed. She's completely pissed." I watched the girl as she stumbled through the street.

"What do you expect? The girl drank at least a dozen bottles of various different alcohols.." Zen muttered walking next to Shirayuki.

"How is she still alive?!" Shirayuki questioned and we chuckled as I ran towards to help her walk. Her face was pink, yet I couldn't get over the fact at how cute she looked...

"That really is a lot. To be fair the girl can hold her liquor quite well.." Garrack inquired folding her arms.

"Aberlour, Jameson I love youuu~" She sang dancing around and I felt my eye twitch uncontrollably.

"Isn't that the name of one whiskey you drank?" I asked, forcefully picking her up and giving her a piggy back ride back to the castle.

"Hideki! Put me down! You ain't my horsie!" She screamed and began to pound her fists on my head.

"Ow! For god's sake! Stop!" I growled lond she began to giggle sadistically.

Someone.. help me please from this devil woman...

"Hiki! Look it's Akiya!" In shock I turned my head to the direction she pointed in but saw a confused Shirayuki.

"No- thats Shiray- w-what the hell?!" Yui began to kick and punch me to put her down and immediately I did, out of genuine concern for my life if I had chosen not to.

"My precious Akiya has come back to meeee!~" She squeled and tears of happines streamed down her face as she skipped towards the red-head clinging on to her.

"Akiya! Akiya! Hehehe~"

"Yui? Could you l-let me go please? You're starting to scare me.." Shirayuki stuttered, trembling in terror.


For the rest of the journey back to the castle, Yui clung onto a disturbed Shirayuki and refused to let go. Mitsuhide and Zen tried to pry her off the traumatised red-head but to no avail she kept her arms firmly around Shirayuki, tears flowing like streams from her eyes.

Once we reached the castle, Yui finnaly let go and ran off, sulking in the direction of the courtyard.

"I-I'm sorry Shirayuki." I said turning to her. "Akiya was an old friend and colleague of ours, especially close to Yui.."

"Oh, it's okay. I understand." She laughed. "I'm guessing that she meant a lot to her.."


She really does look a lot like Akiya.. red hair, gleaming green eyes...

Although, my feelings for Akiya just.. aren't there anymore. But I swore to that stupid cat that promise-

I smiled at her, but recieved an icy glare from the prince behind Shirayuki. What's his deal?

"Anyway, I should probably go find Yu-"

"Shirayuki!" I turned to see a little boy with brown hair running towards us, completely out of breath.

"Ryuu! What's the matter?" She asked and the boy who went by Ryuu panted.

"It's Obi! He woke up! But when I told him to wait there while I got something from the office, but when I came back he was gone.."

"W-what?!" Everyone shouted in shock and I dug my boot into the ground.

"Dammit, first a drunk Yui and now that stupid green-eyed monster after just waking up from a week long coma?!"

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