Chapter 37 - Slow Recovery

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"I left you for fifteen minutes, to come back and see this." Obi gave me an unimpressed expression, pointing at the wall.

"I thought someone was in the room.."

Obi rolled his eyes, pulling the knife out of the wall, then throwing it into the air, catching it. "You worry way to much for your own good, you know that?" I shrug and he then chucks the knife directly at me, I caught it successfully between my index and middle finger, proceeding slipping it back into my pocket. 

"Don't play with knives." I chided placing my hands on my hip, to which he snorted and jumped into the empty patch of sofa next to me. I picked up the book to my left, continuing where I left off. Absorbed in the moment, I enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere while perusing through my book. Eventually, minutes passed, and I could tell the man next to me was getting bored of sharpening knives, however I ignored this and continued to read.

He sighed, and finally let out a long awaited moan. "Yui, I'm bored!~"

"Mhm, and why exactly is that my problem?" I ask, turning the page while Obi stood up and began to try and find strategies with a motive to annoy me.

First, he began poking my cheek and calling my name, to which I just bluntly ignored. Finding other various ways to try irritate me, like using his head to push the book out of my view. I tried to hold in my laughter, however eventually he got sick of doing this. Snatching the book from my grasp, I pranced up out of my seat and reached for my book, however he just stood his tip-toes so it would be impossible for me to reach it.  I growled. "I'm getting a strange sensation of déjà vu over here.." He smirked, as I inched closer towards him, feeling his body radiating heat. Flailing my arms around in an attempt to retrieve my book, I felt him wrap a hand around my wrist.

"Horocrox, can you just calm down for one second!"

I narrow my eyes, refusing retreat.

He sighed as I tried to jump and grab my book. "You know, that's a trait all royals have, reading way too much."

Knowing that he was just messing with me, I silently pretended not to hear his offensive comment. I shookbhis hand away from my wrist however he just held it tighter, placing the book on a cupboard that was much to high for me to reach.

I glared at him only to receive a smirk. "Now now Yui, you wouldn't break Ms Rita's furniture just to get a book would you?"

A squeal caught our attention, and we directed our vision towards the redheaded woman who was giggling at us. "My, my, aren't you two just the cutest!" She chucked a rose- which may I add I have no idea where came from, at us causing my face to scrunch up.

My eye twitched and I stared at her with mixed emotions for a few moments, but shook my head to wake myself up. I pushed Obi away to hear him mutter under his breath about "something always in the way", to which I bluntly ignored and stuttered a statement to my Mistress while walking towards her and putting on an awkward smile. "M-Ms Rita! Are you feel any b-better?"

"Much so." She smiled warmly. "I take it Mr Amachi was here?"

"Yes, he was." I state more confidently.

"How long was I asleep?" She asks, placing a hand on her head and turning to Obi, who gave her a warm smile while resting his elbow on my shoulder.

"Two days."

"Wow." She murmured.

A few moments passed filled with an awkward silence, until Ms Rita decided to get up, to which Obi and I tried to stop her, however it was practically impossible.

For the next few days we took care of Ms Rita, making sure she was taking all her medicine (since she was practically a child when it came to it), keeping her company and helping her in any possible way we could. As time began to fly by whilst spending it in the place grew up, I slowly felt myself growing much more depressed, knowing that all of this would eventually come to an end. 

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