Chapter 31 - Sing for Absolution

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Thoughts were swirling round my mind, and I was trying to keep my eyes open, feeling as if I would fall asleep at any moment. I averted my gaze towards my horse as soon as I heard it shift in movement. As I began to pat it's neck, the heel of my boots dug into the dirt in contact with rough surface. Glancing at my boots briefly before returning my vision back to the mare in front of me, I watched it as it moved it's head towards me and nuzzled my arm. I began to grin, and sighed in the tranquil atmosphere.

However, an agonising pain my head was now doubled with a nauseous sensation coursing through my body. The thoughts that were weighing heavily on my mind were not helping this sickly state at all, and all I wanted to do was sleep. Although, no matter how much I wanted it, I wouldn't be able to get one. 

Luckily, we had just about reached Clarines before the blazing sun, that was beating down on us for the duration of the journey, had sunk into the thin line of the horizon. A beautiful sky was gleaming above us, showing off it's shades of red, yellow and orange; mixed with a few streaks of pink and purple.

I had offered Shirayuki, who was currently standing behind me, to share a horse with me since she seemed rather tense. I had almost immediately sensed how awkward she felt, but no one else seemed to notice. I was a bit confused by this, since it was rather obvious. She had accepted it, while silently thanking me.

Eyelids drooping, I heard her walk up to me, commenting on the mare's affection, which horses never usually seem to show that much.  "Seems like it really likes you."

 I looked over my shoulder, still stroking the horse with my left hand. "Yeah, I guess. I've always seemed to have a connection with animals." I smiled, trying to blink away my exhaustion.

"Hey, Yui?"

"Mhm?" I responded, in between moments of silent yawns.

"Do you get sleeping problems?" She asked, giving me a look of concern.

I stopped and froze. "Yeah, insomnia."

Is it that obvious?

She rustled through her bag, where I saw many jars of various substances. Retreating her hands back out in defeat she sighed, but then her expression suddenly brightened realising where she was. "Right, we're back in Clarines, I forgot." She chuckled sheepishly and I laughed. "I'll stop by your room later on with it."

"Really? Thank you so much!" I smiled, wanting to jump with joy.

"Are you feeling alright?" She asked. "You look a bit pale.."

She went to place a hand on my forehead but I waved my hands about. "It's nothing, seriously." I smiled. "I probably just worked myself to hard, I'll have a bit of rest now."

She gave a questionable look but then shrugged.

Turning around, she walked away without saying anything else, her hands seemed to be shaking as they were gripped around a leather bag strapped around her right shoulder.

I watched from the corner of my eye to see the white-haired prince watch her with concern as she thanked him for letting her accompany him to Kalendra, then sprinting off into the distance. The awkward tension was blatantly clear between the two, and I almost immediately picked up on the cause for her distress.

"Something to do with Zen, hm?" I hesitantly to more towards Zen to talk to him about the subject, but stopped myself backing back towards where I originally was standing.

Best not to get involved, it's none of my business.

I stroked the horse once more before deciding to take my own leave back to my room. I thanked the others as quickly as possible and told them I was going to retire early, they replied positively and nodded.

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