Chapter 14 - Drown Out Your Sorrows

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The sound of a knock hit my ears.

I shouted for them to come in and the door was clicked open to reveal Hideki with a smile plastered on his face. "Hey, you finished working?"

"Yeah, all done." I replied in a monotone voice. "What's up? You don't usually don't come here."

"Eh, I was bored." He shrugged and rested his head on my shoulder, watching me draw random circles.

"Shouldn't you be watching Obi instead of annoying me?" I asked, placing my pencil down on the desk.

"They're giving him his daily check up." Hideki explained and I used my head to ruffle his bright hair. "Shirayuki is going to keep an eye on him."

"Oh.. o-okay."

"Do you not like Shirayuki?" Hideki asked and I frantically shook my head and waved my hands around.

"No! I-it's not that- I just.."

A small silence filled the air for a few moments as I pondered on how to reply but he got fed up of waiting for an answer.

"It's all a bit unfair huh? All of this." He muttered and took a step backwards.

"I don't exactly understand what you mean, Hideki. What are you trying to say?" I slowly brought myself onto my feet and turned around to face him.

Shaking off his dark expression, Hideki chuckled. "Sorry, never mind."

I raised an eyebrow and folded my arms as he grabbed a picture out of his pocket and handed it to me "Maybe a mission will take your mind of things?"

Questioningly, I looked at the picture which revealed a young boy with jet black hair and bright purple eyes sitting in a wooden chair while staring out the window.

"I'm alright." I sighed and chucked the photo back at him and sat back down in my chair. "I shouldn't run off without the prince knowing anyway, that would destroy my trust with him. Barely have any with him anyway."

A sigh escaped from his lips as he say down at the edge of my bed.

"You know, I never imagined someone like you to be working for royalty. Especially that cat." I could almost hear Hideki's smirk. "You both despised royalty."

I refused to reply.

"Don't you have any intrest in going back to the old days? I mean, no matter how rough it was, we were happy." He sighed.

"I'm sure that Obi is satisfied in the position he is in now. Me? I am in the process of a deal, therefore I cannot leave. No matter how much I wish to." I smiled and rested my head on my hand. "Although, I have to admit, it is quite nice here. Especially working with Obi."

"You still seem to have that bond with him, the same you had three years ago."

"Well yeah." I nodded and turned my chair so I was facing him directly. "Not only is he the person that I've known the longest, but he saved my life from drowning in that river..."

"Akiya's parents were wonderful to all of us." Hideki stared into the mirror that stood in the corner of our room, glaring at his reflection. "Yet so cruel to her.."

"Her mother was the spitting image of her. Despite you and Akiya being two years older than Obi, Torou and I, you both were probably the most immature. Upon further inspection, Akiya's childish personality came from her mother's caring nature and love for children."

"I mean she definitely wasn't like her father in that respect.." He shivered.

"No matter how kind that man was at heart, sometimes he was a demon. I mosy definitely don't want a repeat of the Apple Tree Incident.." I cringed as horrible memories came back, but we both afterwards laughed it off.

"Honestly though, it's a shame Torou wasn't with us during our training. She would have been a nice edition." I sighed and Hideki nodded.

"You know, without that loser, I realise how much I actually miss the guy." I sighed and folded my arms. "I spent a long time thinking that I've been a bit of a crybaby for the last few days."

"Pff, more than a bit." He scoffed.

"Shut up." I laughed and threw a playful punch at his shoulder. "My point is, is that I don't think it's helping anyone, not even myself by shedding tears." I looked down at my hand and tightened it into a fist. "Everyone asumes that because I'm an assassin, I'm hearltess."

"Maybe they're right." I sighed. "After all, I've killed so many people.."

"That doesn't necessarily mean your heartless." Hideki smiled and patted my head. "Let me think of something that pathetic cat would say." After pondering for a few moments, he opened his mouth to speak. "Come with me!"


"Hideki?" My eye began to twitch. "Would you like to explain why we are in a bar with these idiots?"

"Yui! How dare you talk to your master like that! How could you ever think of saying something like that?" I turned to Mitsuhide and raised an eyebrow.

"The more Important question is why you all of us are here." I hissed glaring at the group consisting of Kiki, Mitsuhide, Zen, Shirayuki and Garrack sitting around a round table. "We're here to drown away your sorrows!" Garrack cheered, throwing her arms into the air.

Hideki gave me a light push and a sighed, taking the empty seat next to Kiki, who seemed to be the most sane person in the room at the current time. Unfortunately, the least sane person (Hideki)- well second least because Garrack was extatic about having free alcohol.

"Shirayuki, I'm surprised you would be here. I heard you had an awful experience with alcohol a few months ago." She chuckled embarrasedly taking a sip out of what seemed to be some lemonade or something.

"I'm surprised this place does tea." I stated resting my elbow on the table and Kiki nodded taking a sip.

"Not the nicest one I've had.." Kiki commented as people buzzed with conversation round the table.

"Come on Yui, you have to have at least one drink." Hideki laughed patting my shoulder and I sighed.

"Fine." I muttered ordering a beer.


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