Chapter 16 - Welcome Back, Obi ♡

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Yui's P.O.V.

Half concious, I felt as if my body was being controlled as our faces began to draw closer.



This feels wrong.

Why can't I control myself?

At the speed of light, a dark and clouded figure zoomed past and wrapped their arms around my waist, picking me up and holding me tightly in their grip.

They clutched me tightly to their chest, and I could feel their warm breath on my shoulder. Their arms were so comforting, it was strange, I didn't want them to let go.

"You know, it's a bit wrong don't you think, taking advantage of drunk girls, especially this one." The familiar sound of that voice, as those words rolled off his tongue. Even though I was just half conscious, I knew all to well who it was. "Even for a demon, I didn't expect you to be such a pervert."

"Obi.." My hands covered my mouth in utter shock. The fire burning in his eyes had flames as sharp as the sun's. He glared at Hideki who returned the stare, with equal flashing eyes.

Everything's blurring, I can't make out what's going on.

The corners of my vision were darkening, black splotches began to smudge my vision.

Is this oblivion?



The warm sun's rays drifted through the edges of my curtain and onto my arms. My eyes slowly fluttered open, for moment the brightness blinding my vision.

I began to sit myself up in my comfortable bed, but my heavy head pushed my weakened body back down. I felt a small shuffle at the end of my bed and I turned my head to the source of the noise to see a grinning Obi.

"O-Obi.. " I looked at him for a moment, trying to process the fact that he was sitting there, right in front of me. "I-is that really you?" A couple of tears threatened to fall down my face.

"When did you become such a crybaby, Yui?" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes and then wiped them out of my eyes

Just looking at him gave me the energy to sit myself up.

"Stupid, idiot. I really hate you. Why would you do something like that?" I scolded him and slapped his head playfully.

"This is me we're talking about." He laughed pointing at himself. "I could survive."

"And what if you didn't? How would you expect me to live with myself?" I asked, the atmosphere becoming deadly and painfully silent.

"You shouldn't take chances like that for me.." I stuttered in a brittle voice, a dark shadow cast over my eyes. "Obi, I can't lose you another time."

I held his right hand in both of mine, watching his eyes widen at my reaction. "The day you were heavily injured after we got new recruits and then dissapeared while no one was looking.."

"Did you know that I spend days, weeks, no; I spent months looking for you after you left?" I let go of his hand and then turned my gaze away, realising I shouldn't have mentioned it. "I'm sorry- I overreacted. Just promise you won't do something like that again, alright?"

He hesitated for a moment, but then opened his mouth to respond. "Okay. I promise."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Hey Yui?" Obi asked after a comforting moment of silence.


"I have a question.."

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