Chapter 11 - Please, Awake for Me.

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Obi's P.O.V

Where am I?

What is this place, why is it so cold?

I-I can hear your voice.. Yui..

So many emotions, memories swirling through my mind. Questions that I can't answer.

"Obi.. It's all my fault.."

Memories clouded, I listened to Yui's voice echoing in my mind. "No, it can't be your fault that I'm here.."

Looking at my surroundings, I realised where I was. Trapped inside a black box.


Your P.O.V.

Three days.

Obi had been asleep for three days.

I refused to leave his side, for it was the least I could do. Hideki had visited and kept me company for a few hours everyday, although Zen and the others had brief visits.


I turned my head to see Hideki with a bottle of water in his hand. His orangey-red hair was messed up slightly and he looked quite cute honestly. He waved at me and slipped into the seat next to me.

"Hidi, good morning." I greeted him, using the nickname that I called him years ago which made the guy grin a goody smile.

A silence fell over us for a few moments.

"I just wanted to tell you that- I didn't kill Akiya." He explained and looked at his hands. "I-I couldn't bare to do something like that to my comrad. We had a fight and then she dissapeared the morning after. I spent days looking for her but she was gone.."

His voice was brittle, and he seemed to not want to remember what he had done. Slowly, I used both my hands to hold his right hand in mine.

"It's alright. I was shocked to think you could have killed her, you're not that kind of person." Looking up at him, I patted his head with my left hand. "So many questions I have to ask you, but I think it's best I leave them unanswered for now.

He nodded, and I removed my hand from his and held Obi's cold hand again. "Hey, Yui. Don't you think you should get something to eat, and clean yourself up?" He asked and I shook my head, squeezing Obi's hand tighter. "I need to be there.. when he wakes up.."

"Yui, you haven't slept, eaten or showered in three days. I'll stay here while you go and do all those things. Or I can come with you~"

Disgusted I slapped his face leaving a mark on his cheek. "You pervert! No way! You're turning into Black Hideki again!"

Shaking his head to wake himself up he placed a hand where I had slapped him and rubbed his cheek. "Jeez alright. But you know that I'm right Yui."

I looked at Obi and back at Hideki and sighed in defeat. "I guess you are right, for once."

I stood up to leave but Hideki stopped me for a brief moment. "I have something for you." He opened his rucksack that was leaning against the leg of his stool and handed me two sword in leather scabbards.

Curiously, I slid them open to reveal my two katanas which Ingraved my assassin title on them. Gasping I turned to Hideki in shock. "B-but I damaged them while deflecting the bullets-"

"I got them fixed for you. I know how much you loved your swords and it looked like it killed you inside, even though you threw them away like they were nothing."

I smiler and thanked him, attaching the leather scabbards to my waist belt. Before I walked through the door, I turned to Hideki once more and folded my arms.

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