Chapter 13 - My Sanity Still Haunts Me

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With a sullen look plastered to my face, I added the finishing touches to my drawing, using a stapler to staple the drawing and lyrics together.

After slipping it into my folder, I tapped my pencil against my wooden desk, staring out the window as a couple of birds flew by. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, but only one thing was on my mind.

Obi. When will you wake up?

I sighed and rested my head on my arm, feeling a sense of insecurity. Hideki had told me that I needed to stop spending so much time in the hospital room as I had more important things to be doing, but that was not the case to me, all the battle strategies, all my paperwork tasks were completed in the blink of an eye. Once I handed them to Zen, I had the rest of the day off. Unless he called me to his office that was.

I knew that my persona was not as connected to Zen as Kiki, Mitsuhide and Obi. Even if I was aquaintanced with him when I was younger.

I stared at my hand and then clenched it.


"I haven't heard that name in ages.."


Wet hair clinging to my back, as rain pounded down from the sky and onto the ground. As the drops splattered onto the floor, I felt a warm hand touch my back.

"The castle, wiped out. All the lives were taken by a rebellious group. Though she may only be just a child, she has extreme potential. Killing the best assassin in the country, you'd suppose she would be born for a life like this. Half dead, she was found in the river by one of our pupils in training."

"Hm." The man turned and looked at me with pure red eyes, and back to the one with her hand on my back. She had blood red hair, that matched the colour of her colleague's eyes.

Little did I know that the woman with flying red hair, and the man with blazing eyes, who took my in as their own kin, were the very parents of someone that I would meet in my future..

"Are there any survivors of the group?"

"Yes, they plan to reform and get revenge on this young girl herself.."

"Child, what is your name?" He asked, the gray clouds in the sky masking him in a dark shadow.


"To protect you and your history, your identity shall be changed." He effortlessly slipped a knife out of his pocket and threw it onto the ground. "Yui Yano, will be the name you must keep till the day you die."

I nodded, staring at my feet, shaking slightly in fear. "You have one choice, my child. Take this bloodstained knife, and follow the path of an assassin."

My shaking stopped, as I kneeled down and wrapped my hand around the knife's handle. "Turn every drop of pain that resides within you, into a desire to seek revenge."

Though, he may have seemed to be kind by taking me in, and treating me as if his own child, that doesn't justify how brutally cruel he was.

Destroying the lives of innocent others, for your own survival doesn't change the fact it is murder.

Within my soul still lies a hint of insanity that I will never be able to get rid of. The best I can do, is hide it from the world. Make me seem like I'm completely cheerful all the time.

It was bittersweet.

Every life that I destroy, will take a taste of my precious sanity with it.

Therefore, each being that I take; will decrease my sanity until there's nothing left..

That is the one thing I fear.

My own sanity.

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