OVA 2 - The Entrepreneur and The Alley Cat

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Most of the lines in this OVA are actually being said in French, however, I am writing them in English because my French is not the best, and I don't want to offend anyone by screwing up a sentence. I'm sorry.


Softly, the glowing lights twinkled over the glimmering city of Paris. The night air was warm, however, to (Y/N) it was freezing.

That night she had snuck out from her parents' house, to go to a party with her friends. She was expecting to have a great time, however, it was much too eccentric for her. Nearly everyone who came got drunk, except herself, since she refused to drink any alcohol, meaning she was the only sober person left in that building.

So she left, without saying a word to anyone.

She clutches her leather jacket, trying to avoid any paparazzi that came her way. In the distance, she noticed the Eiffel Tower. The night lights made it look gorgeous, every night she watched them in excitement, from when she was just a baby to now. There was always something relaxing about it.

A chain was connected to a few pillars that led into the river. It wasn't a strong chain, in fact, one could fall of it quite easily.

Her black and gold high heels, which were terribly uncomfortable, made a clicking noise that echoed through the empty street, she sighed at the tranquillity of being alone.

"Good evening, madame." A voice mumbled in a foreign accent, she turned her head to see the source of the voice.

A man with a brown sort of colour was smiling warmly. Warning signals went off in her mind.

She didn't trust the man.

"Hello." She smiles back, refusing to dismiss her doubts, no matter how innocent the man looked; she kept her guard up. "Can I help you?"

"That is a wonderful dress you're wearing." He compliments, and immediately she recognises him as a famous celebrity from another country.

'Was it America?' She thinks.

"Thank you." She says, edging backwards. He was radiating a harsh smell of booze and was most definitely intoxicated.

"Your name, (Y/N) Horocrox, correct? Daughter of an extremely rich family." He asks and she nods, continuing to side step, creating a distance between her and the man, at least one enough for her to run away with a fair distance between them in case he chased after her.

He noticed her moving away, and moved closer to her, until (Y/N)'s back slams against a wall. She desperately looks around, but the streets were empty - as if abandoned. "Lace trim, pretty." He slurred, reaching his hand to touch the fabric, making (Y/N) flinch.

"I'm sorry." She murmurs and the man snorts in confusion before she knees him in the stomach. The man stumbles backwards as (Y/N) dusted her hands together.  However, her moment of triumph was crushed when the sound of cameras clicking and lights flashing hit her ears. "Look, it's (Y/N)! She just kneed that guy in the stomach." A man shouts.

"Is there a relationship?"

"Wait, he's the guy from-"

(Y/N) curses, before running through the streets of Paris, three-quarters of the paparazzi trailing behind her, the last quarter questioning the drunk American celebrity she just kneed in the stomach -and was now vomiting...

Camera lights flashed from behind her, illuminating her figure as she tries to twist and confuse the paparazzi behind her. Never seeming to lose them, and completely out of breath, she notices to have reached a dead end. Shouts echo from behind her, but a moment later she feels something, or rather someone, grab hold of her hand.

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