Chapter 9 - Akiya ♡

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Obi's eyes were narrowed, as I turned around to see the face of a person I did not want to recognise.

My body was paralyzed, I couldn't move. My eyes widened and I gathered the strength to cover my mouth, a sickly feeling rising from my stomach. My knees gave way and I crumbled to the floor, coughing.

What is this? Why am I so weak?

On the urge of fainting, darkness covering the corners of my vision, I heard Obi shout my name in concern.

Unable to reply, tears were threatening to fall from my eyes but I refused to let that happen.

Visions and memories intertwined and streamed through my mind. Memories I thought I would never have to think again.

I turned once more to the scene, as the two boys who always rivaled each other throughout the times with Torou and Akiya.

Pure disgust was clear in Obi's eyes as I looked at him. "Hideki.. what are you doing here?" I asked, between coughs.

There was no reply, coming from him. His arms were folded as he leaned against the wall looking at us and at his men. "Go. I can handle this." He commanded, and the men left except our target who lay comfortably on a sofa watching us.

"Nice to see you, cat." He laughed picking up an unfinished bottle of whiskey that lay on the floor. After drinking the remainder, he examined the label and then chucked it at us.

In the nick of time, Obi caught the bottle as if it was nothing. Eyes burning with a fire unlike the flames that reflected in his eyes when we were comrads.

"Where's Akiya?" Obi gritted his teeth. "Whe you left you promised us that you would take care of her."

Hideki, chuckled sadistically and smirked at Obi. "What do you think? She wasn't much help anyway, so I did what an assassin is meant to do."

No.. he can't have. This isn't happening..

"I killed her."


"Yui!~" Hearing the sound of someone singing my name, I turned to see a grinning girl running towards me and then hugging me. Her beautiful long red hair was glistening in he sunlight as she tightly wrapped her arms around me.

"Hey Aki." I smiled at her warmly. "How was your job with Hideki?"

She shrugged in reply and looked down at her feet. "It was okay. But Obi seems to be a bit more distant than usual."

I chuckled and we sat down in the grass, the warm sun shining down on us as we talked. "Yeah, he seemes to be mad at me right now."

"Is that why you were all the way out here? Torou said you had dissapeared in the morning after we came back, and I guessed you would be here!" She giggled and began to play with my hair.

"W-what are you doing, Akiya?" I asked as she began to fiddle with my hair. 'I don't understand how this girl is older than me..'

"Oh, nothing. I just think that your hair would look nice in a braid."

"Really? Well.. I don't really know how to braid my hair.. I just tie it really.." I said but the girl continued to do my hair with a smile spread across her face.

"All done!" She said after a few minutes and I looked at my reflection in the stream near where we sat.

"Wow, Aki. This is amazing, thank you!"

"No problem!" She smiled. "I'm glad we're best friends."

"Best friends?"

"Yes! Or course we are. Do you not think we are?" She asked, her face dropping ever so slightly.

"N-no! I've just not really had a friend before let alone best.."

"Well then.." She pondered for a few moments and then picked up my hands. "I'll be your first friend!"

"Really? Thank you.."

Her green eyes shimmered as we continued to talk for ages until the sun began to set.

"You so love Obi don't you!~"

"What?! Where did you get that idea? Anyway, you're the one who talks non-stop about Hideki!"

"No I don't!"


"Akiya.." I looked up at Hideki, all my emotions were erased. The only feeling I felt was hatred for the man in front of me.

"I'm so sorry, Akiya." Slowly, I gained control over my shaking body. I brought myself to my feet, taking my hatred and remorse and converting it into strength. My fingers wrapped around handles of the blades on each side of my waist. "I couldn't save you.. I wasn't there.."

"Hideki, you bastard!" I screamed, tears rolling down my face, lunging towards him. Sliding my swords out of their scabbards, my steel sword hitting against the blade of his.

Eyes smarting from tears, my vision was blurred. Yet somewhere within my smudged gaze was clairvoyance.

Breathing hard, I looked into his blood red eyes with disgust and he glared back at me. Judging from his current power, he has been training hard. It equals that of my strength when we were comrads. However, I get the feeling he is holding back.

"Yui! Stop it! You're going to kill yourself!" Obi shouted as I dodged an attack Hideki threw my way. "If he was able to kill Aki-"

"I'm willing to take that risk! He murdered Akiya! Are you awake right now or not?!"

"Do you honestly think Akiya would want you to sacrifice your life for her? She wouldn't want you to avenge her, she would have wanted you to live your whole life for her."

Sweet and happy thoughts of Akiya spending sunny afternoons talking by that river

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Sweet and happy thoughts of Akiya spending sunny afternoons talking by that river. Her face getting red whenever I teased her about having a crush on Hideki.

The man who killed her.

The day they bid us farewell and how he promised to look after her. The tears that were shed over memories that were in the past.

It was all in slow motion, the room filling with silence as I dropped my blade and fell to my feet. The sound of the metal hitting the floor, the shouting of Hideki's shouting voice in warning which couldn't reach my ears.


Coming towards me..

Blood splattering across the wooden flooring, my cry masking the sound of the next shot.

But it wasn't my blood..

It was Obi's.

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