Chapter 2 - Zen

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Most figures in the room kneeled or bowed at the sight of his highness in front of them, but I kept my figure firmly straight. You may dare say that I had no respect for anyone with a higher status than me, which is partly true, but the main reason being I had known this prince too well for my own good. There was no need to kneel before someone who I once treated as a friend.

"Izana." I gritted my teeth. "I thought it would be you."

The thundering sound of footsteps behind me came closer and my face was brutally shoved to the marble floor by a mysterious silhouette. "This is the way to greet your future king." He snickered finally releasing my hair.

"Tch." I clicked my tongue and held my nose as I felt blood coming out. I winced at the feeling but pushed it away. "It's been awhile, hasn't it Izana?" I chuckled standing up, a hand still on my nose.

"Yes, it has. I would think when I saw you again, you would not be looking like this."

"Ah." I said looking at myself, covered in dirt and grime from being in a cell for months. It was nearly impossible to even think someone like me could even be pretty. Maybe under all this filth I was beautiful, but how should I know? It had been impossible for someone like me to even think to look at my reflection in a mirror. It was scary to see what I had become over the years.

It was impossible for me to look into my own eyes in a mirror, no one could realise how terrifying it was for someone like me. This person I was looking at had lost everyone they loved, underneath my iron armour, there was a heart who had been shattered so many times, it didn't even seem to be possible.

The prince then ordered his guards to leave the room, but they all hesitantly agreed to leave me in here with him. But my restraints had prevented me from even daring to splatter his blood across the marble floor. Of course, I knew if I wanted I could remove them myself, I could, something was holding me back from hurting this evil person in front of me.

Izana finally stood up from his throne and began to walk closer towards me, immediately I began to fiddle with my handcuffs until he put up a hand. "There is no need to be so defensive." He looked at me in the eye. "I'm probably someone you can trust more than anyone else in this castle."

"What do you want with me, you pathetic rat?" I asked, my fringe covered my eyes.

"You still have that awful temper on you."

I raised my head and my eyes pierced into his soul. "What did you say?"

"You heard me correctly, Ko-"

I ripped the chain connecting my handcuffs in half, and began to walk forward towards Izana. He began to walk backwards until he hit the wall behind him. I released the blades that were hiding underneath my leather armbands. I pressed the one in my right arm against his neck as a smirk plastered on his face.

"Never say that name again. That's not my name. Do you hear me?"

"Where did you obtain those weapons?" He asked laughing. "All your belongings have been taken from you."

I smirked back at him. "An assassin always comes prepared." My arms shot up and the blades slipped black underneath my armbands. "I'll ask again. What do you want with me Izana?"

"I'm here to offer you a deal."

I raised an eyebrow at the prince as he straightened up and walked back to his throne. "And what would that be?"

"My father asked for me for you to be hunted down, and slaughtered for all the crimes you have committed in your recent years." He began. "Obviously, I wouldn't want that to happen to a delicate maiden like you. Especially one who my brother and I have known in our past."

"Therefore, I propose that I can grant you freedom in two years in exchange for something." He smiled. "You will work in this very castle, as an aid for my younger brother Zen." My eyes widened at that name.


"And if I refuse?" I asked narrowing my amber eyes as I felt them change colour to a blood red.

"Judging by all the crimes you have committed in your past, you won't be treated so nicely." He chuckled sadistically making me want to gag.

"Fine. I will agree, on one condition." I launched myself towards Izana.

"Don't let a word slip to Zen about you-know-what." I whispered. "For both of our sakes."

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