Chapter 38 - Distress

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 The next day I set out to find out where the letter had come from. Ms Rita had done some searching through old records, paperwork, anything she could find that had something to do with this person's handwriting, and after many hours of looking, she was successful, or at least, partly.

"It's not much.." She apologised, sitting down on the table in front of Obi and us.

"Better than nothing." Obi shrugged as she put down a binder, opening it and taking out a ripped sheet of paper. She handed it to me and noticed it was a ripped form of some sort. "This paper looks like it's been through hell and back if you ask me." Obi remarked and I snorted, knowing he was right. Not only was it torn, but stains of various liquids could be seen. I identified coffee, and water, with a few splotches of a red liquid which I hoped, wasn't what I thought it was. 

The state of the paper was surprising, considering that Ms Rita usually kept all her files in an organised and neat fashion.

I scan through the ripped form, placing it down while setting down the letter next to it. "You're correct Ms Rita, it's definitely the same handwriting." I say, complimenting her efforts.

"Convenient that the name was ripped off, huh?" Obi sighed, and I nodded whilst he handed Ms Rita back the paper. "Ms Rita? What form was this person signing for?"

She examined it and then nodded. "I'm surprised you both don't remember, it was the form which you signed after you left the camp."

Our eyes widened. "But why is it in such bad condition then? You keep all the files safe."

"Years ago, someone broke in and stole some of the files, this must have been one of them. I know Akiya and Hideki's files were some of the ones that were stolen, including some others also from the South Wing." She scratched her head. "I'm still unsure as to who this person was, unfortunately, that was all I could locate."

We nodded. "Just that is good enough, sorry for troubling you Ms Rita." I said and she shook her head, saying it was nothing.

Standing up, I stated that Obi and I should most likely go. "We travelling by foot?" Obi asked and I nodded.

"It's faster that way." I chuckle, and Obi nodded whilst giving me a knowing grin. 

Though I knew that Obi preferred to watch these sort of things from the sidelines and benefit in one way or another, the idea of a fight sounded like a dream to me. The last few months had been excruciatingly boring, and over time I have grown to realise that someone who is raised to commit mass murders, and curse bloodshed to all those that are around them, will eventually grow used to the habit of doing things they shouldn't, and it almost becomes addictive.

Obi was already out the door once I had snapped back to reality from my daydream, and I began to adjust my belt before wrapping myself in a dark grey cloak. After covering my head with its hood, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, I turned around to see Ms Rita standing there. "Don't follow us, I know what you're like. You are in no condition to go out-"

"I won't." She interrupted. "I'm fully aware that I'm not in good health. But, I have something for you."

I raise an eyebrow as she slips something from behind her back and attaches it to my belt. "Kalendrian Metal, from the Valdez District." My eyes widen. "It's the best one I have, makes sense for the Queen of that nation has it."

"Ms Rita, how much did it cost you?"

"A lot more than what most people would have thought." She chuckles. "Now be careful, I want both of you in one piece."

"Are you sure that your friend is going to be here to look after you while we're gone?"

"She's coming, don't worry."

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