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Guys, being a fangirl is so hard!!! Why? Just why? Are Josh and Maddie seriously going on a date? Why? I will show my anger through emojis😞😟😠😡😔😕🙁☹️😣😖😫😩😤😭😞😟😠😡😕😔🙁☹️😣😖😫😩😤😭😔😕🙁☹️😣😖😫😩😤😢😭 someone please private message me! Also, if you can text me, don't text my phone, it's out in the living room and I can't go out there because my parents. Just private message me or Skype message me if you have my Skype. Please! I need someone to talk to! Someone who's a Miggie shipper because my sister ships both Miggie and Moah and she doesn't understand!!

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