Things I've Learned About High School

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1. Couples everywhere. If you go to school and expect not to see a boy and a girl kissing (Sidney even saw a girl and girl😁) then you must have never been to high school. In between, every class you'll see couples in the hallway who are in no way, shape, or form your OTP and your just like "Ew!" Tip: Don't date until your at least 16. Then you'll be mature enough.

2. Pregnant people. I saw a Junior going in to the office who was pregnant. Like you're only 16 girl sheesh already. It's disturbing on many, many levels.

3. You have a LOT of homework. One of the main reasons I haven't been online much is because of my pile load of homework especially from History.

4. Cussing is 10x worse. You can't walk around with out hearing a single cuss word. And not just one. Like 10 per sentence. Not even joking. It's annoying. I just want to scream at them to stop!!

5. People are more judgy. That's one of the main reasons no one there knows I like Disney Channel. They will most definitely judge me for being a high schooler and being obsessed with Disney Channel.

6. Dance is harder than I thought. I mean, I've heard things about PE and a I don't think I wanna quit Dance. They have to run 3 miles in 15 minutes with no water. Yeah, no thank you. I'll take my Dance. Running hates me and I hate it back. But Dance is pretty hard though too! Bad coordination does not mix well with Dance. At least she only grades for participation. It she graded on Dance Mastery I would be failing. Plus my non-flexibility doesn't come in handy during stretches.

7. Choir is so fun and so is Mr. O'Brien. He is the funniest guy and I like the songs we're singing. "The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World, "Only Hope" from "A Walk To Remember" and "Some Nights" by fun. It's fun.

That's how high school is treating me. Also, I'm making some new friends. My next-door neighbor, her name is Mallory, is really nice. She goes to my school she's in my grade. I brought her cookies but she was asleep when I brought them over but she talked to me at school and she seemed nice. And the director of the play I'm doing for Drama Club is really nice as well. Her name is Mercedes and she's super nice! Funny story: Since the play is a Murder Mystery, she was having us practice a murder reveal scene or whatever and everyone was blaming these two servers and the people that had been killed were both the boyfriends of people (keep in mind that my character is 30, not married and living alone with animals) and so I'm I pointed to the servers and I'm like "Somebody's single!!!" And Mercedes looks at me and says "Your character tho" and even though we were supposed to be in character, I realized what she said and I lost it. I started laughing at myself basically😂😂😂😂 It was weird but fun. So there are some aspects of high school that I like, others that I don't, but it definitely is nothing like middle school! I actually miss middle school! It's fun being a big kid now though lol.

Btw, I got a Snapchat I'm @ausllymiggie on there so if you have it, add me! I might even add you back!

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