Hamsters Almost Died....Midnight!!!!!

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So, I'm sitting in the living room and I hear this "Kerplunk" from the hallway. I automatically assumed it was Midnight because that's just the way that little mischief maker is. We go back to the hallway and we see Carlee's room door is open and we know Midnight loves her room. We (me and my dad) walk in. Remember that Carlee is in the shower. We walk in and see her dresser on the floor. This is the same dresser that Thunder and Marshmallow are on. Marshmallow's cage is open and on its side and on the floor. Thunders is on its side on the floor. I panicked. Luckily, no hamsters died or escaped!! I was so lucky that Marshmallow didn't escape because dwarf hamsters are wild!!! And he would be hard to catch. Luckily they are fine but they could've died and they are digging like crazy and Marshmallow is running around the cage like a banshee. They are probably terrified!! And yes it was Midnight who did it because when we walked in and he had that "I didn't do it" face!!

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