How It Went

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Waylon's Water World (the water park I went to for a field) was super fun but busy as heck! I've never seen it so busy! The slide's lines were all the way to the floor and usually they aren't even down the steps. There were three schools there! I had to wait 30 minutes in line to get a smoothie for lunch! But it was fun hanging with my friends (when I wasn't trying to find them)!

The Choir Concert....we slaaaaayed!! We sounded awesome! My last Choir Concert of middle school was amazing😍🔥!! Especially the last song, "You Raise Me Up", people were crying! It was awesome!

Yesterday, my sister went to my school with me! She spent the whole day with me! It was super fun having her there! Her class was at SeaWorld for a field trip and she didn't want to go (why?) so she had no where else to go but with me. My teachers seemed to like her. She just sat on her phone the whole time. Also, she was looking at a picture of Thunder biting her when Mr. Swain walked by and he is just like 😶"What?".

Today, May 21st, I went on a float down down the Colorado River. It took forever and the water was cold but it was still really fun! I met lots of new people because it was for a church activity, and Zoe was there! It was super fun, but now

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