Diamondbacks Game

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Well, I went to a baseball game today. It was fun...until my phone died. I wanted to take pictures and stuff, but my stinking phone has a bad battery and it dies so fast. Like how the heck one minute you have 29% and the next you have 1%? Like how? But it was still fun. They played music and it was fun. Me and my siblings went to the very top row but we all felt like we were gonna fall, so we went back down. We had decent seats. I bought ice cream with my own money. Tbh, I could've bought better things with that money and the ice cream wasn't even that good😔. But I got a pretzel! And I wanted to get my hat signed by a player, so that I could say I've met someone famous (I never have), but none of the players had time. They signed a few then had to go. But they did this thing where if you tweet something with the hashtag #GoDbacks then they'll show it on the big screen. Well, I did that and they showed it!! Then my sister took a bad picture of me and used the hashtag and they showed it😖. The media is the pic I took of it showing. So yeah, it was fun. I've got another game on the 4th of July, and then Idaho! I get to see the people who made me become Disney Channel obsessed😜

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