Cool Fun Fact

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So, today I just found out a cool fun fact! If my mom would have given us (me and my siblings) the names she had picked when she was younger, I would be Aja, my sister would be Ally and my brother would be Austin! Not joking! It started when we were in the car and I started asking my brother how to spell Disney Channel names and when I got to 'Austin' my mom told us that. How ironic😂. We ended up being Camree, Carlee, and Cordon.

Also, today my brother had his first baseball game of the season and he failed miserably😣. But most of the kids on his team were beginners but they'll get better. The game lasted forever and went into overtime. Well, it was two minutes and clearly the other team was winning but Cordon's coach wanted to keep going. Ok, then. I was getting tired but ok. So, yeah.

Oh and by the way, I'm back from my aunts house. I got back yesterday.

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