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I'm gonna do a bit of ranting.

Carlee (Liv_Rooney_fan ) (I know you know who she is, I'm just tagging her so she can see this chapter), my sister, gets to spend the day at my school as part of her middle school transition program. She's in 6th grade, but she's at an elementary school that goes to 6th, the same one I went to. She gets to spend the entire day with me or her friend, Anna (CloudAnna ) (also, tagging her for the same reason). At first she wanted to go with me, but when she found out Anna's math teacher is Carlee's old friend from last year's dad, she wanted to go with Anna.

Reasons Why Going With Me Is Better:
-Me and Carlee basically have the same interests. Except she also likes Minecraft.
-Anna is in 6th grade but she's going to see what it's going to be like next year. So, me, being in 8th grade, would be a better option, because at my school, 6th grade is a little different than 7th and 8th. They don't get as much. If she wants a feel of what it's gonna be like next year, I would be the better option because 8th grade is closer in feel than 6th.
- She says my school day sounds "boring". It is not! I get funny Mr. Swain in 1st Period, Zoe (who Carlee thinks is crazy) and Daniel, both of whom she knows, in 2nd Period, watching the news (which is actually interesting) in 3rd, 4th Period is interesting because we have Mrs. Morse, who is very nice to me, but not to the class, and in 5th, Science, we have cool Mrs. Rupp, and funny Mr. Lanning in 6th. So basically, I have amazing teachers! And my day is fun. I asked her how she know it's boring and she said its from what she reads on Wattpad. In this book. So what?

I really want Carlee to come with me, but I want her to go with Anna, too! I have been looking forward to this for so long and then she goes and picks Anna. Does she not love me? I'm sad. I mean, I know Anna wants her to go really bad too, but I do also! Can you guys help me? Give me some tips. What should I do? I REALLY want her to go with me, but I don't want to make Anna feel bad. What do I do?

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