No Teddy

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It's been 24 hours and still not even signs of Teddy. The trap I set last night was still there how I left it last night when I woke up this morning. And I don't see hamster turds anywhere. But if he's not in the house, how could he have gotten out? Like we keep the doors and windows closed. And I know the cat didn't get him because Mittens was with me all yesterday in my room and today he's not acting weird and trying to chase him. Plus, Mittens wouldn't eat him, he would just kill him and leave him. This is so weird. I miss him😢. Like he got out by chewing through some tape my sister put on his cage because it was broken when we got it. And it was overnight. I just woke up yesterday morning and my dad's like "Teddy got out!". Yep, this is how my Spring Break starts. Looking for a missing hamster and not even knowing how he got out. Like if he was in the house, wouldn't we see hamster turds everywhere. We saw some under Carlee's bed while searching for him but that was the last time. Plus, they could have been from another time. Well, he was handled a lot on Easter because my family all wanted to see him, so maybe he as tired of that and just escaped. Like there is no signs of him anywhere. I guess I'm never gonna see him again😢. Goodbye, Teddy!

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