How We Found Teddy

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This is how we found Teddy. Me and Carlee were getting ready to play with stuffed animals because we hadn't done it in forever, and I was in my room getting my stuffed animals, while she was in her room getting hers. Then, as I'm about to grab a cat stuffed animal, I hear "Guess who I found?". At first I thought she had found a stuffed animal that had been missing but then like a second before she said it, I realized, it's probably Teddy. Then she said "Teddy!" And I ran to her room. He was very skinny from not eating in 3 days and we put him in his cage and he went straight to his water bottle and took a huge drink. Then he ate some food. He was too cute to be mad at. I missed him a lot. I'm glad he's back. I was so happy! Life is actually treating me right again. Now we just gotta get those grades up and get Mosh to break up.....

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