Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Pure One's Legend

Adeline Mills

She had radiant red hair and bright blue eyes. A pair of purple sea shells that were held together by a single wire covered her breasts and her hair was loose, sticking to her skin because of the dampness. Instead of legs, she beheld a blue tail, a darker color of her eyes. She looked small, with just her small upper body sticking out of the blue clean ocean.

"Are you Ariel?" I questioned softly. She opened her mouth to speak but realized nothing came out so she quickly closed it.

Instead she nodded.

"Well, I'm Adeline Mills, Zelena Mills' daughter. I'm, uh, Regina Mill's niece." At the mentian of the name she stiffened up and threatened to dive under the water but I quickly stepped into the shallow bay and held my hands out.

"Please don't go! Hold on, please. I'm not like Regina. In fact, I sometimes dislike her. Anyway, I know what she did to you and I'm here to offer it back to you." I said and pull on a string that had a small object tied to it. It had been hiding in my shirt and it was forgotten by me. I pulled it out and showed it to her. Her expression changed to a happy one as she realized what it was.

"Is this what you have been waiting for?" She nodded her head rapidly and I smiled.

"Well here." I said and handed her the seashell. She gingerly took it and looked at it confused. The seashell was a light yellow with a string tied to it.

"Oh yeah, hold on." I said and took it back. I waved my hand over it and a green magical string of magic flowed out, a beautiful melody was laced into it. It traveled to the little mermaid and entered her throat, causing her to gasp. She touched throat, with a from so wide it seemed like it would never disappear. She looked back up to me and smiled.

"My voice..." She uses her voice for the first time in a long time. It was scratchy as it hadn't been used in years, but she seemed happy to have it back.

"Thank you." She breathed in complete emotional tears.

"It's no problem, really. But I do need a favor."


"What do you know about the Pure One's Vault?"

Merida Dunbroch

"What kind of mother am I?!" More sobs escaped Queen Zelena as she was slumped against the wall cryin' her green eyes out which reminded me of me missing friend.

Aye was plushed on a cozy chair trying' to not pull me red curls out.

"You ok?" Aye turned to see another pair of green eyes, but darker. Aye smile and straightened my back.

"Ye know, aye feel ashamed aye didn't recognize her. Since aye was a babe, aye've known her. She me best friend. An' aye didn' even recongize her. Wha' kind of best friend am aye?" Tears streamed down me face already an' they wouldn' stop soon. Aye stiffened as aye felt arms around me small waist. They lifted me up and placed me small body on their lap.

"Don't blame yourself. Please don't cry Merida. For the short moments I spent with Adeline, she gave off a powerful exterior. She's strong, brave, smart, cunning, and sometimes a complete bitch. She'll be alright." Hiccup comforted me and aye laughed between me tears.

"Tell me a story, please. Distract me." Aye whispered to him while he wiped away the tears.

"Well, Ok. It's started years ago, before we could tame dragons, I was considered a fishstick..."

Adeline Mills

"Years ago, before there even was such a thing as kingdoms, rulers, and traitor, the Dark and Light used to roam and live together. I assume you have heard of Ying and Yang..."

"Yes of course." I responded. Ariel nodded and clearef her throat.

"Opposites are sometimes meant to run together. Like time and space, energy and matter, the young and old, the rich and the poor, and the strong and weak, they all need each other to survive. It is crucial to sometimes keep such things together to keep the entire known life moving. Take love and hate for example. Once a girl, much your age, hated a boy. They both despised each other with much passion. But as time went on, their hate fazed into love and they got married and had children. They lived a full life. That is how the Dark and Light work. They had such hatred for each other, but it's like the demon waa falling for the angel. Now the first Dark One, and the first Pure One managed to fall in love with one another. But it was dnagerous."

"But I thought they needed each other to live on?"

"It's one thing to need and another to love. They needed each other, because they balanced the other out. If one or the other is stripped from the present, it could cause a great imbalance between living life. Now, it's true the dark and light need each other, but they can't be together. There's a boundry between them, that neither of them can cross. When the first Dark One and the first Pure One fell in love, everything collasped against each other. Wars erupted from nothing, families were filled with hatred. It was a world wide panic." Ariel spoke with such passion. Her wide blue eyes swarmed with emotion as she spoke of the dreaded legends.

"The Lords of Life, Death, Past, Present, Future, Time, and even Mother Earth, decades ago had a meeting. The meeting was to decide what to do with the Dark One and the Pure One. It was well decided to tear them apart from each other. So they devised a plan to make the Dark One and Pure One hate each other like before. But it backfired. Yes, they went back to hating each other. But it was worse. Both were heart broken. And heart break is the worse and most dangerous type of hate. They battled each other. Both the Dark and Pure were going against each other. They almost destroyed each other, but in the end, the Dark One won its rightful place on Neverland. It banished the Pure One away from here, but the Pure One's vault still remains here. It is rumored that when the rightful Pure One returns to Neverland, the vault shall be awakened. But no one has been to the Pure One's Vault for centuries. When the Pure One returns to their vault, the final battle of Neverland, the battle of Dark and Pure, will take place, and the rightful ruler of all the realms will take their honorable place here in Neverland."

I stayed silent as Ariel finished.
My mind drowned in the information that was given to me. It bewildred me how one tiny island could have so much history.

"Ariel... what was the Pue One's name?" Ariel frowned and her eyes darted away from mine. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"Her name was Victoria Mills."

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