Chapter 1

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Vanessa's POV

This was it today was the day I was leaving for the BSB Cruise with my two best friends Mallory and Stacey. Stacey and I planned the trip and Mal paid for her ticket was the under the impression that three of us were going to the beach for a few weeks, the reason we didn't tell her about the cruise is because she hates boats and won't go anywhere near them or on them. Every time you ask her how she feels about going on a cruise she starts arguing about how the boat would sink and it would be just like the Titanic only without Leonardo DiCaprio dying at the end of the movie yes it sounded crazy but you couldn't get her to listen so the next two weeks were going to be a lot of fun if Stacey and I managed to get her on the cruise ship. I finish packing a few last minute items then make sure I have everything and roll my suitcase out into the hallway and get ready to start trying to get Mallory up and that wasn't going to be easy she hated being woke up early no matter what or who it was for, I walk down the hall to her bedroom and see her curled up under a mound of blankets now all I had to do was wake her up.

Mallory's POV

My dream is cut short when I feel someone shaking me, I roll over and face the opposite direction and try to go back to sleep but the shaking continues and I grab one of my pillows and toss it in the direction of the person shaking me. I hear a grunt when the pillow comes in contact with the person and the shaking stops I try to go back to sleep for a second time but a few minutes later all of my blankets are pulled off of me, I sit up and see Vanessa standing at the edge of my bed with my blankets in the floor by her feet. I yawn and look over at my phone then back at Vanessa "Ness it is eight in the morning what could you possibly want this early?" She smiles and claps her hands together then jumps up on my bed "Get dressed and finish packing we leave for the beach today." I roll my eyes and fall back on the bed I was excited because this was my first time going to the beach I just didn't understand why Stacey and Vanessa wanted to leave so early in the morning. I let out a sigh "We can leave later on this afternoon the beach will still be there I promise." She gets off the bed and pulls me up "Get dressed Stacey will be here soon and if you do it without arguing I will give you this." She holds up a Mountain Dew and waves it in front of my face, I take it and get out of bed then Vanessa walks out of my room I start getting dressed and get pack my suitcase at the same time.

Stacey's POV

When I get to Mallory and Vanessa's house I sit and wait on them to come outside I look at my phone then five minutes pass then ten and I get out of my car then walk inside and see Vanessa sitting on the couch arm looking at her phone. "Where's Mal?" Ness looks up at me "She slept in this morning but she should be ready soon." I nod my head "Have you told her where we are really going?" She stands up and shoves her phone in her pocket "Shh do you want her to hear you she thinks we are going to the beach and we are going to keep that our story until we get to the cruise ship got it?" We both stop talking when Mallory walks in the room. Vanessa and I look at her multiple suit cases by her feet and nod in the direction of them "What's all of that?" She looks down at her bags "One of them is clothes, the other shoes and the third one is books." I shake my head I knew that she loved to read but she was going on vacation she didn't need to take books "We are going on vacation you don't need your nose in a book every minute of the day." She rolls her eyes and throws open the bag and grabs three books and shoves them in the bag with her clothes then she looks up at me and Vanessa "Okay I'm ready let's go to the beach." Ness and I share a look with each other then three of us walk outside and put our bags in my car then we leave.

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