Chapter 18

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Howie's POV

We make it back to my room and I open the door and let Stacey walk in first she walks in and I follow behind her then shut the door behind me. She's standing in front of me looking around the room I walk over and stand behind her then run my hands down her sides and let my fingers skim over the soft fabric of her dress. I start kissing down the side of her neck then I run my fingers through her hair she turns around and looks at me. I kiss her and she kisses back I feel her fingers on my shirt then she starts unbutton it once my shirt is unbuttoned I pull it off and throw it in the floor. I reach behind her and slowly pull down the zipper on the back off her dress and it falls in the floor and lands in a pool at her feet. I back her up to the bed and she gets on it and together we get rid of my belt and pants.

Kevin's POV

I shut the door behind me as Vanessa and I walk in the room she turns around and I kiss her she kisses back then gives my hair and hard tug I let out a moan then bite down on her bottom lip which makes her gasp. I kiss down her neck leaving behind a trail of kisses and gentle bites her dress is strapless so I continue and get to as much of her skin as I possibly can. She quickly unbuttons my shirt and I pull it off then throw it across the room I unzip her dress and watch as it slides down her body into the floor. I push her back on the bed and get on top of her we meet for another hot and passionate kiss and her hands go down my chest across my stomach then she unhooks my belt and unzips my pants then I throw them off into the pile of clothing that is already in the floor.

Nick's POV

We walk in the room and I shut the door behind me then stand behind her and scratch my neck she turns around and looks at me "Your room is really nice." "Thank you." She walks over and wraps her arms around my neck I feel her breath against my lips then she kisses me I kiss back and wrap my arms around her waist. She unbuttons my shirt then I shrug it off and let it fall in the floor she starts tracing my arms with her fingertips and I feel her lips start going down my neck. I run my fingertips down her back until I find the zipper of her dress then pull it down and it falls in a black pool at her feet. She gets on the bed and I get on top of her I kiss her then run my tongue over her bottom lip which makes her moan she opens her mouth a bit and I claim it. I move from her lips down to her neck and she starts running her hands through my hair I lower my head and our lips meet again. Her fingers trail slowly down my stomach then she gets to my belt and pants then quickly unhooks the belt and unzips my pants and I slide them off in the floor.

Vanessa's POV

I wake up the next morning and feel a heavy arm draped around my waist I yawn and roll over to see Kevin still sleeping. His hair is pointing in all different directions her lets out a groan and pulls me to him then wakes up and his eyes land on me his voice is deep and raspy "Good morning." "Morning Kevin." He starts running his fingertips up and down my arm "So last night was fun right?" I smile "Yeah it was fun." He looks me in the eye "We could have some more fun right now." He rolls over on top of me and we kiss he runs his hands through my hair and I put my hands on his arms this was a great way to start a morning.

Kevin's POV

I look up when Vanessa walks back in the room from taking her shower she walks in dressed in a shirt and a pair of shorts I let her borrow. She looks up at me and I nod to two trays that are sitting on the table across the room "I ordered breakfast." "Thank you." We both sit down and start eating and talking while we are talking I say something funny and she throws her head back while she is laughing I see the hickeys I left on her neck and she didn't seem to mind them. I didn't regret what we did last night or this morning and by her still being here I don't think she did either. We talk and eat until the food is gone she looks up at me "I better get back to my room before my friends come looking for." I nod my head and we both stand up then walk over to the door "Bye Kevin." "I'll see you later Vanessa." That part was definitely true we had another stop in a few days and I was going to ask her to go with me again. She opens the door and starts to walk out but I grab her arm then pull her to me and kiss her she kiss back then walks out of the room. I watch her walk away until she is out of my sight.

Stacey's POV

When I wake up I feel fingertips running down my side I open my eyes and roll over and see that Howie is already awake. He smiles "Good morning." I let out a sigh "Good morning." He looks at me "So last night was pretty great right?" I blush a bit "Yeah it was." "You know I have some time off this morning?" I don't get a chance to answer he kisses me and I kiss back then start running my hands through his dark hair. I think that every morning should definitely start like this one.

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