Chapter 42

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Mallory's POV

I walk in the room I share with Nick and shut the door behind me and take a few steps when I hear something crunch underneath my feet. I step back and see a bent envelope with my name on it I pick it up then walk over and sit down on the bed then open it and read the unfamiliar writing."You had your fun but the fun is over now we will get what belongs to us."  My first thought is this has to be some sick joke that maybe one of the guys or Stacey and Vanessa were trying to pull on me but I knew that none of them would do something like this. I was surprised that someone would do this  I hadn't received a lot of hate since Nick and I started dating but since we were engaged now that would probably change once it became public. I was scared whoever wrote this wanted me out of the picture so they could have Nick.

Vanessa's POV

I get dressed after I take my shower then walk over and sit down on the bed and put my ring back on I glance up and see an envelope in the floor. I walk over pick it up open it then read it "The fun is over time to give him back he belongs to us." I was shocked and scared someone wanted Kevin and that is what scared me the most I didn't know what this person would do or how far they would go to get Kevin. For now I needed to keep this a secret until I knew for sure what this really was.

Stacey's POV

I yawn and wake up from my nap and look over at the clock Howie and the guys were going to be gone for a few more hours I sit up and stretch and look across the room and see an envelope in the floor. I walk over and pick it up then open it as I'm making my way over to the couch I sit down and start reading it "Time's up time to give Howie back to us." I had received hate when Howie and I got married but it was either older women or younger girls this one was different and I could tell they meant business. They would stop at nothing until they got Howie I just hoped that nothing would happen to our baby just because this person really wanted some of Howie's attention.

Kevin's POV

I hear the phone start ringing I yawn and sit up as Vanessa wakes up and reaches for the phone she yawns then sits up and answers. "Hello?" A few seconds later she puts the phone down and I look over at her "Who was it?" She shrugs her shoulders and looks at me "They hung up when I answered they might have been trying to reach a different room or something." I nod my head then lay back down on the bed and she lays on my chest I wrap my arms around her and she goes back to sleep. I yawn again then a few minutes later I go back to sleep.

Howie's POV

When the phone rings I look up from getting dressed then Stacey sits up and answers the phone "Hello?" I look away from her and pull on my shirt then she hangs up that was a short conversation I look over at her "who was that?" She looks at the phone "I don't know I think they had the wrong person." I nod my head then finish getting ready I grab my laptop "I'm going to meet with Brian I'll be back later." She nods her head then I walk over and kiss her and she kisses back "what do the two of you have planned?" I smile "Nothing just some work stuff even on a cruise we still have to work." She looks at me "well have fun I'll see you later." I nod then walk out of the room and shut the door.

Nick's POV

Just as I walk out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist and I'm running another through my hair the phone starts ringing Mal looks away from the book she is reading and answers the phone. "Hello?" Just as I start looking for clothes she hangs up then sends me a glance before she goes back to the book she is reading "they hung up must have been looking for some other room." I nod my head and start getting dressed and notice that her eyes leave the book and keep looking at me when I'm finished I walk over and sit down on the bed she looks at me puts the book down and kisses me. I kiss back and get on top of her and she runs her hands through my hair.

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