Chapter 36

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Group POV

The boat docks and our first stop is in Hawaii we all go sight seeing Howie and Stacey are taking pictures, Nick and Mallory are talking hushed tones about something and Kevin and Vanessa are stopping to look at different things. We start walking through a grove of palm trees Nick gives Mallory a small twirl which makes her laugh and wrap her arms around his neck, we pass a few statues then take pictures while we are walking we end up at the beach. Howie and Stacey start walking down the beach, Kevin and Vanessa get in the water Mallory gets on a towel and lays down Nick lays on one next to her ad props on his elbow then puts his hand on her waist. We do different things until that night when we go to a luau when we arrive we all receive leis then find our  seats music starts playing and the guys are quickly pulled on stage and are handed some grass skirts and coconut bras by some hula dancers. Nick pulls off his shirt and ties on the bra which makes Mallory let out a loud whistle he turns red and the other guys tie on their bras and skirts as well and start dancing after their performance we get our food which was amazing. It was late by the time we head back to the ship and the girls are really tired so we head back to our rooms so they can get some sleep.

Howie's POV

I wake up the next morning get up then put on some trunks and a t-shirt Stacey gets dressed too and I look over at her. "The waves look great today I think I will go surfing with Kevin." She smiles "That's a great idea the girls and I are going to the beach today too." I didn't think much about it but the guys didn't say anything about them joining us at the beach. I finish getting ready and Stacey gets bigger then we get ready to go to the beach.

Kevin's POV

Vanessa is getting a bag together and I dig out a shirt and pull it on "I think I'll try surfing with Howie today what are you girls doing today?' She finishes packing her bag "Nothing much just hanging out at the beach today." I nod my head and wonder what Nick had planned for today since the rest of us were going to the beach. She puts a few more things in her bag then grabs her phone and puts it in the bag and I grab my phone and put it in my pocket then we walk out of our room and head to the beach.

Nick's POV

I get my shirt and stuff ready to go to the gym when I feel arms wrap around my waist I turn around and look at Mallory and she smiles. "Skip the gym today you know what would be a good work out?" I had a few ideas but I wasn't going to say them "what?" She runs her fingertips down my arm "You, me, one of my bathing suits and the water?" I liked the sound of that and it would be a lot more fun than the gym. "Sold I like the sound of that." "Thank you." I pull her to me and wrap my arms around her waist then kiss down her neck and I find the right spot then nibble on it and pull away to see a mark already forming I pull away and give her an innocent smile. I go change into my trunks and a shirt then she grabs her stuff and we leave for the beach.

Group POV

We all get to the beach at the same time and two other women are standing there as well and at first the guys are all concerned. Kevin and Howie had plans for surfing while Nick wanted to go swimming the guys look at the girls who have started laughing Howie looks at the three of them. "Ladies is there something you need to tell us?" The girls laugh and look at each other and Vanessa tells them "The three of you have hula lessons today." The guys look at each other then they get handed more skirts and coconut bras and they are told to put them on.

Vanessa's POV

We are all laughing while we are watching the guys they have the hips thing figured out but nothing else I glance over at Mallory and see a hickey on her neck. "Well look at what Mr. Carter gave you." She gasp then pulls out a mirror and looks at her neck I laugh and she turns red then goes back to watching the guy. I almost fall out of my chair when I see Kevin trying really hard to figure out the rhythm of the hula things and he ends up rolling his eyes when the instructors demonstrate and show him again.

Mallory's POV

I laugh at Howie, Kevin and I watch Nick dance I look over at him and yell "Looking good baby." He looks at me then waves and the three of us start laughing. The guys look at Nick and elbow him in the side and he shakes his head the three of us keep laughing as the guys continue to go through their hula lesson.

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