Chapter 46

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Mallory's POV

Today was the last day of the cruise I fold up my walking dead blanket then put it in my suitcase I look over at Nick who is still packing this cruise had been very eventful I had gotten my very first concussion, Nick had proposed, and I had finally visited Hawaii. I was happy and sad too it would be a few months before I got to see Stacey and Vanessa again Nick looks at me "Is everything okay?" I nod my head then look up at him "I'm going to go see Ness and Stacey I'll be back in a little bit." He nods his head then wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my head "Take your time." I smile "Thanks Nicky." Then I walk out of the room.

Vanessa's POV

Kevin and I are packing when we both hear a knock on the door I walk over and open it to see Mallory standing there I smile at her "Hey Mal how's it going?" She smiles "I thought I would pay you and Stacey a visit before we dock in a few hours." I step out of the room and hug her she hugs back then we stand there together she was one of my best friends I thought of her as a sister and I was sad that the cruise was already ending I wasn't going to get to be with her and Stacey every day. I wanted to cry I could feel the tears form in my eyes and the huge lump in my throat but I keep them at bay we pull apart and I look at Mallory "Come on let's go find Stacey." She nods her head then we walk off to Stacey's room together.

Stacey's POV

I finish putting the last few items in my suitcase then zip it I look at Howie who still has shirts and shorts everywhere I laugh and roll my eyes I hear a knock on the door then walk over and open it to see Ness and Mallory standing there. They smile when they see me then it hits me the cruise is going to be over in a few hours and when we dock we all go back home I don't know if it is the pregnancy hormones or because I'm going to miss them we all stand there and hug each other. I couldn't wait to see them again they were my best friends they had their weddings coming up but I know that the two of them will be there for me and Howie when Howie and I have our baby.

Nick's POV

While I'm packing I start thinking about what happened on the cruise this time last year it was the morning after our last night together and I had thought that I lost her for good now she agreed to marry me. She wanted to be with me my mind goes to our future together would things change between us or would we stay the same I love her and I couldn't wait to spend our life together. Moving in a new house, getting a dog, eventually having two or three kids for now I was ready to go home and just be with her no interruptions or activities to get in the way plus I would get to sleep with her in our own bed again.

Howie's POV

I finish packing then grab my stuff and put it by the door I walk back over to the bed and start thinking to myself in a little less than six months Stacey and I were going to have a baby I was going to be a dad. I was curious on if the two of us were going to have a baby girl or a boy I would be happy with either one just as long as Stacey and they baby were both healthy I was excited about being a dad and I was ready to have my own family. I'm glad the cruise is coming to an end I was ready to go back home at home Stacey could rest and I wouldn't have to worry as much because I would be home wit her.

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