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Madeline's POV

The week was coming to a close and I would soon finish up my work with Nathan as his caretaker.

Not to mention that I had finally learned to drive correctly even though my father had supported me driving recklessly. It's one thing to be lucky and have s license but to actually know how to drive is different.

I still remember how that lady was probably on some drugs when she tested me on my driving. So I would say that it's all her fault that I'm a crappy driver.

"Ok he's all good," the doctor stepped out to talk to me. Today we were getting his check up and if all was well then his neck brace could come off. Since Nathan had been paying major dollars for the removal I'm sure the doctor was stressed over delivering good news.

"Really," I stood up from my seat, "I'm a horrible driver so when I drove him here I thought I would break his neck or make it worse," I was now tightening both my hands into a large fist at the base of of my chest.

The doctor chuckled, "It's fine, Nathan has healed properly just have him call if he feels any discomfort. Let me just get his medicine subscription for pain." Then the doctor disappeared. I looked over to the exam room and knocked before entering.

"Hey," I smiled as I opened the door.

Nathan was holding his arm that was still wrapped with a little bit of gauze. Closing the door behind me I walked closer to him and took a seat.

Finally I spoke. "How you doing?"

"I'm not crippled..."

"That's not funny," I straightened my face, "Still insensitive."

"I believe so, Miss Bloom," he leaped out of bed and pulled his shirt over his arm again. Watching him I didn't notice how accustomed I've grown to his t-shirts and fitted jeans. Even his shoes were casual. In fact it's very relaxing to see Nathan dress casual like the rest of us. It made him seem more... or should I say less like a big time Forbes guy or something along those lines. He was not robotic but human.

Now he just looked like a normal bachelor Joe with handsomely striking features. "Ooh, umm how are you doing? No pain? Nothing?"

"Right as rain Miss Bloom," he began walking to the door.

Grabbing my bag I followed Nathan outside to pick up his prescription medicine. "Thank you," I told the woman at the desk and quickly followed Nathan out. She tried calling me back to explain things but I'm sure Nathan can handle reading labels. 

Looking at his medicine I saw that his middle name was Mars. I couldn't help but laugh. How could I have missed this when I read his file, unless he purposely left it out, either way I felt as if I subconsciously knew it. I really need to pay attention more.

As I caught up to Nathan we were already in the parking wing when I decided to play a little game with him.


He came to a slow stop as I walked beside him. "You forgot your medicine," handing it to him I chuckled silently as he gave me the death glare.

"Refrain from ever calling me that again," he growled, "Mr. Lane will suffice."

"Yes Sir!"

He shook his head softly as we continued to his car. It was actually fairly brisk outside but Nathan didn't seemed bothered, even though I was practically shaking in my boots.

We had about an hour before noon so Nathan and I took it upon ourselves to grab something to eat. Instead of going to the usual place I tried to persuade Nathan into getting McDonalds but he wouldn't budge. And I couldn't disobey him by driving to MickeyD's because he was now at the wheel. Of course he drove slowly seeing that his arm was limited in movement due to the gauze.

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