Chapter 38

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We pulled up to the party and Hunter parked the car. I'm beginning to think, Hunter doesn't like drinking, because he's always the designated driver. I make a mental note to ask Ryder about it later. We pile out of the car and head towards the front door of the house, loud music blaring through the walls. I don't know whose party this is, because Ryder said before it was someone from another school. But whoever it is, their house is huge. Leo reached forward and twisted the door handle, and surprisingly the door swung open. The loud music got louder and the inside was dark and full of people. We walked in and Hunter closed the door behind us. As people noticed us, well mostly the guys, they stopped in their tracks and stared. Some stopped for longer than others, others ignored us completely. Was this all because of the 'history' that Ryder had mentioned? What had gone on? I looked at Libby and we exchanged a look of confusion at all the stares, obviously people didn't expect the boys to attend.

After what felt like days, the crowd began to go about their business. I really don't know if I should drink tonight? I mean my parents won't be home later to see me as a drunken mess, but I don't really want to become a drunken mess. Maybe I'll just have a couple of drinks; we'll just see how the night pans out. "Drinks?" Leo asked and we all nodded. He motioned for us to follow him and we did. He found his way to the kitchen and got out six red cups. He filled two with vodka and lemonade, three with beer and one with coke. He handed Libby and I the ones with vodka and Hunter the non-alcoholic one. The other three he shared amongst Ryder, Connor and himself. I took a sip from the cup and noticed the ratio of alcohol to fizz wasn't bad and I was impressed by Leo's skills. Soon after, everyone dispersed. Connor and Libby in one direction, Leo and Hunter in another and then it was just Ryder and I. I looked up at him and he smirked before downing the remaining contents of his cup and grabbing my hand.

"What?" I asked him and his smirk stayed.

"Let's dance." He stated beginning to pull me towards the makeshift dance floor; but I resisted.

"I'm not drunk enough to dance." I admitted and he laughed.

"We can fix that. Come on, down the hatch." He said and I rolled my eyes before downing the contents of my cup. I felt it burn as it trickled down my throat and I scrunched up my face. "Now are you ready?" He asked and I shook my head. One drink isn't going to get me drunk enough to be dancing. "Fine." He said before placing our cups next to each other on the table and grabbing a bottle of vodka. "Shots." He said and my eyes widened.

"Ryder, no." I said in horror. I really don't want to do shots, not after what happened at the beach house with that pool game and how I got really drunk, really fast.

"Jade, yes. Come on you'll be fine. Just a couple to loosen you up." I really shouldn't allow him to pressure me into this, but I know he wont let anything bad happen to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I said with a sigh and he laughed before pouring the shots.

Three shots each later and I was definitely buzzing. My throat burned less and less with each shot I'd done and I felt a lot more relaxed. The music seemed louder, the lights seemed brighter and Ryder seemed hotter. Not that I thought it was possible. After slamming my cup down I threw it into the rubbish and grabbed Ryder's hand. I pulled him towards the dance floor and once we got there I laced my hands around his neck. I made sure to take him to the middle so no one would really notice us because they're all in their own worlds. I really didn't want any of our friends to see us, not that we were doing anything R-rated. His hands flew to my waist and his touch burned on my skin. Our eyes locked and we swayed fast and to the music. I really want to lean up to him right now and kiss him, but I can't risk it. Who knows who's watching, dancing is one thing, kissing is another. To break the tension he spun me around so my back was pressed to his chest and he moved us to the beat. I laughed and found myself enjoying it. I felt his lips press against my neck briefly and I quickly spun around to warn him and he sighed.

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