Chapter 48

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"Hunter's outside." Ryder said poking his head into the living room. I turned to Andy who I'd been playing with for the past hour or so and gave him an apologetic look.

"Sorry, Andy." I said and he shook his head.

"It's ok. Thanks for playing with me." He said and my heart practically melted right there.

"Anytime." I said before I stood up from my spot on the floor. When Andy had gotten home from school at around 3:30, he was so excited to see me. It made me so happy to see the pure joy on his face as he came into the dining room and spotted me at the table with Ryder. We'd been playing Uno at the time. He came over to me and hugged me before Suzan shooed him away to go get changed and do homework. At about four he came downstairs begging me to play with him and I of course agreed because I love the kid, and that's what we'd been doing for the past hour.

I walked towards the door where Ryder was and followed him towards the front door. We left the house and started to make our way down towards Hunter's car. Once we reached it Ryder pulled open the door and I saw Connor and Libby were already in the back. Leo was in the passenger seat while Hunter, of course, drove. Ryder and I piled into the middle section greeting them all as we got in.

"I won't lie, I wasn't expecting you to come out of his house, Jade." Leo said and I laughed.

"I was playing with Andy." I admitted and he laughed loudly.

"Oh my god," he said between laughs. "She wasn't even hanging out with you." He said directing it towards Ryder and I knew he was laughing at him and not me.

"Shut up. She played with me before." Ryder said suggestively, a smirk rising on his face before I hit him in the stomach.

"You wish." I said and his smirk dropped while everyone else in the car laughed.

"I love this girl." Leo said and I smiled.

"Thanks." I replied. "So what'd everyone do today?" I asked. Connor and Libby spent the day together, Leo slept most of the day and Hunter was with a girl named Emily apparently. Conversation rose quickly about this Emily girl and who she actually was. Even after the numerous explanations I still don't know whom they're talking about.

We eventually reached Macy's house and Hunter pulled up outside. We all piled out of the car and Hunter and Leo went to the boot. Hunter popped the boot and sitting there was a case of beer and a case of cider. The two of them grabbed a case each before Connor closed the boot and Hunter locked the car. As we made our way up towards Macy's front door Libby and I went ahead. Libby rang the doorbell and soon enough Macy opened the door.

"Hey all." She said and we all said hi as we walked into her house. She led us through her house giving us a brief tour as we walked through. It was a pretty simple house; one story, three bedrooms as you walked in and then the hallway opened up into a shared living room/dining area/kitchen. There was a door to the side of the shared space where I'm assuming the bathroom is. Hunter and Leo placed the cases of beer down on the floor next to the dining table and began to tear them open each grabbing themselves a beer.

"Don't worry guys, this will be my only one." Hunter said and we all nodded. I trust Hunter; he knows how to limit himself, he does it every time we go to parties. I got Libby, Macy and myself a cider and cracked the can open. Macy had music playing lightly in the background and she had a deck of cards on the table.

"Guys let's play some drinking games." She said. When we all agreed she pushed us towards the table where we all sat down. It was an eight-seater table so we all fit comfortably. With the deck of cards and our drinks in front of us we started to play. Firstly we played higher or lower; where you go around the circle and the player has to guess whether the next card will be higher or lower than the last. If they get it wrong they drink. After a few rounds it began to get boring so we moved on to never have I ever.

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